Minutes 1944-09-06
294 .
Arroyo Grande?California. ~
~e~tember~ 6,1944. ~ I
t~' ~
The City Council met in re~;ular session with ~~ayor ~.S.Gibsr~n
Upon ro1l ca11 Councilman Ph311ips~~chnyder~~~nny and Lierly
reported present.
The minntes of the ~re~iaus meetin.~ were read and approved as
Communications were read and ordered placed on ~`il~.
l~otion by Coune~.lman Sehnyder seeonded by Councilman ~I~nr}y it
was unanimQUSly voted to t~ansfer ~5000.00 aut of the General ~und
to the Capital Outlayq,Fund~this being surplus unencumbered fun~s.
Fire Chief Harry ~art as~ed abaut this years payment td~ the
Volunteer Fire Dept~;and the clerk w~s instrueted to dra~v a war~ant
for the $lOC?.00 a~ per minutes page 250~~a~r 20,1q42.
Poliee Chief ~eKenzie reported on a letter from A~r Gordon Gar-
land and was instructed to make a reply.
The matter of refunds on licenses was discussed and it was a
a~reed there would be no refunds.
~here was a leng~~y disc~ssion on a site for::+a new City I~all~
~.lso Couneilman Schnyder suggested nev~ rao~ on the old one but
the Council deeided to let the matter rest for the present.
It was decided to clean up the office some to make the 1i~?ht- -
ing better.
Street Supt.Ewing was instructed to proceed with a dam at
the fill on Braneh Street. ~
Claims agains~t the General Ftxnd in the amour~t of $973 .2~ ~ '
the ~Iater Fund $763.38'~and the ~ater Deposit Fund $I.6.0~ were
audited ,approved and ordered paid.
No furt~er business appearing and upan motion the meeting
was adjourned.
A tte st : ~.~.'~i,~-~~_:~~~
Ci1/t,~ Clerk. ~ a or .
A.rroyo Grand e,Calif.
September 20~1944.
The City Cou~cil met in regU.lar session with I~gyor J.~.Gibson
IDpon rell ca1T Coune3lmen rfiillips~~chnyder~~enny and Li~rly
reported present.
~The minutes of the previou~ meeting v~ere read and approved as
Corrununications were read and placed on file.
CfiieP of Police ~.A.~feKenaie said the Board of Eaualization
Representative of this District would like to know the Council~s
wishes in regard to closing the Ba~~ and liquor houses an V Day
and the Council ~rent on reeord as being in Pa~vor of cla~ing all
place5 of business.
Polie~ Ghief ~feken~ie also brought up the matter a~ cars
bein~? repaired and left standing jacked~ up an the street~:L and he
was instructed ta ~enfior~e Ordinance I~o.28.
The eity ~'ouneil declded to have J..O.~ineau to eame in and
learn the routine of` the office work so he eould su~ap]~y durin~
~acationsor in e~ge of illness. ~
There was more discussion in regard to a City ~~a.ll site and
the Board thau~ht it best tc~ look around for more suitable locations.
The matter of a new census being taken v~as braught up anc~ af`ter
some discussion a motion by Councilman Phi'lips,seconded by Cfluncil-
man Schnyder ,motion carr~ed to ha~e Mayar ~ibson ,~~roceed ~ith ~he
takin~ of a census.
The matte~ of a rooP on the City I3alI was brought up again
and ~vuncilman Sehnyder was asked to get figures oM materfals.
No further busir~ess anpea~ing and upon motion the meeting ~vas
ad j ourned.
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City Clerk. ~ ~a~~or.