Minutes 1944-09-20
~94 ~ ~
Arroya Grande~California. ~
~eptember 6~1g44. ~
`I'he City Couneil met in re~,ular s~ssion v~ith l~~ayor ~.S.Gibs~n
Upon roll eall Councilma.n Ph311ips,~chnyder~~i~nny and Lierly
reported present.
The minntes of the z~revious meetin.~ were read and approved as
Communieations were read and ordered plac~d an file.
~iotzon by Couneilrnan Schnyder seeanded by Couneilma~ ~~nny it
was unanimously voted to transfer ~;5000.~4 out of the General Fund
to the Capital Outla~r~ Fur~d~this bein.g surplus uneneumbered fun~s.
~'ire ~hief H~rry nart ~s~ed abuut this ye~rs payment t~ the
Volunteer Fire Dept;and the clerk w+~s instrueted to dra~ a warrant
for the $100.00 as per minutes page 25~,~~ay 2a,1942.
Poliee ChieP l~c Kenzie reported on a letter from Mr Gardon Gar-
land and was instructed ta make a reply.
The matter of refunds on licenses was diseussed and it was a
a~reed there ~vould be no reFunds.
There was a 1eng~~y disc~ssion on a site for~..°a new City ~all~
~.lso Councilman Schnyder suggested a new roo~ oa the old one but
the Couneil deeided to let the matter rest for the present.
It was decided to clean t~p the office some t0 make the li~ht- -
in,g better.
Street ~upt.Ewing was instruc~ed to proceed with a dam at
the fill on Branch Street. '
Claims a~ainst the General Fiand in the amount of ~973•~~~ ~
the l~ater Fund $~61.3g~and the ~ater Deposit Fund $16.~~ ~vere
audited ,approved and ordered paid.
No further busi~ess appearing and upon motion the meeting
was adjourned.
Attest: -~,~;1~~~~~~'
C ty C er . ~ ayor .
~ Arroyo Grand e,Calif.
September 20~1944.
The City Council met in regular session with Mgyvr J.~.Gibson
t~pon rell call Couneilmen ~hillips~Sehnyder~~enny and Lierly
reported present.
~The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as
Communieations were read and placed fln file.
C~ieP of Police ~.,~.BticeKenzie said the Board of Ecaualization
Representative of` th.is ~istrict would like to knov~ the Cour~cil~s
wishes in re~ard to closing the ~a~s and liquor houses on'V Day
and the Council wen~ on record as being in favor of elo~ing all
places of business.
Polic~ Chief Mekenzie also brought u~ the matter aP cars
bein~ repaireti and left standing jaekedc ut~ on the streete:~-and he
was instrueted ta ~n~'€~r~e Ordinance 1~4.28.
The Cit,y `'ouneil decided to have J.,O.~ineau to eome zn and
learn the routine of`the office work so he eould su~pl~y during
vacationsor in e~~te of illnes~. ~
There was more discussion in regard to a~ity ~~all site and
the Board thaught it best to look araund for more suitable locations.
The matter of a new census being taken was brought up and af`ter
some diseussion a motion by Couneil~nan Phi,ligs,seconded by Council-
man Schnyder ,motion carried to ha~e Mayor Gibson ~roeeed with ~he
takin~ of a census.
The matter of a roo~' on the City Hall was brou~ht up again
and ~ouncilman-Schnyder was a~ked to get figures or~ materfals.
No Further busir~ess a~pearing and upan mation the meeting was
ad j ourned .
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A'tteSt:s~~2:~.a.~. /~l ,e'L~~ . " ~%,~,^0~/~
Ci~Gy Glerk. ~j _ r Mayor.