Minutes 1944-10-18 2~5
~rroyo Grande~Calif.
Qctober 4~1944.
The City Cauncil met in re~lar sessi4n with ~~ayor ~7.S.Gibse~n
Upon roll call Cauncilmen Schnyder and F:~enny reported presen~.
Absent Councilmen Phillips and Lierly.
The minutes of the previous meeting ~ere read and ~.pproved
as read.
Chief of Police C.q.1~~cKenzie said he was in need of a tire
on the police car and R.E.Ewin~ was instrueted to purchase one
for th~ ear.
There was a len~~thy discussion on a set back ordinanee and
~ttorney ~iarris explained the complicati~r~d of a zonir~g ordinance.
He su~gested that he might be able to contaet sor~eone to meet
with the cnuneil and explain it r~ore fully.
~laims against ~he General Fund for~ $870.61, the ~iater ~~znd
for $~77.97 ~ the Water Deposit Fund for $ 24.~~ and the IAtt'4I1~~
Tax Fund for $ 242.84 v~ere audited ~approved and ordered paid.
No furth~r 3~usiness appearin.~ and u~om motion the meeting
was adjourned.
y ~
, ~ttest:~ `
ity Clerk . ~,.f~`yor.
Arroyo Grande ~ C~ilif.
(?~taber 18~1944
Tfie ~~it~r ~auncil met in regular session ~ith l~ayar ~'.S.Gibson ~
Upon roll call Councilmen Pb~llips~~chnyderand Lier3y reported
present. Couneilrnan Menny arriving a Iittl~ later.
The l~inutes of the previous meeting ~erere read and approved
as read.
Communications were read a~.d placed on file."
Police Chief C.~.MeKenzie repn~ted on the chan~ing o~ the Hiv~y
through town and the Clerk was ins~ructed to draw up a resolntion
to abandon the Hiwa.Sr thru to~vn and reroute it over Adasor~ and I~elson
~ motion b~ CouMCilman Schn~der?seconded by ~o~neilman Lierly
to ec~nfisibute ~'ifteen dollars per month towards the crossing guard
for the gr~m~tar school.
'~he matter of anot~er pump on the fire truek v~ras brotxght up
and after some diseussion a motion vvas made by CounciZman Schnyder
seconded by Councilman Lierly,mc~tion car~fed to purchase a pump.
The matter oF tra~'fie violations on the High ~chool hill ~?as
brought u~ and the Chief of Police v~a.s instrueted to isstze tickets
to those not obeying the law.
No further ~usiness appearing and upon motion yhe meeting was
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~tteS't: ,e.
City ~lerk ayor.