Minutes 1944-11-01 _ _ 296 ~ ~ ~ :~rroyo Grande~Calif. ~ ~'ovember 1 ~ 1944 The City Couneil met in regular session with ~fayor ~T.S.Gibson presidin~. 4n roll call ~ouncilmen Phillips,Schnyder~ ~ienny and Lierly reported present. Absent ndne. The minutes of the previous meeting v~ere read and approved as read. Communieations were re~ci and nlaced on file. ~ motion by Couneilman Phillips~seconded by Councilman Lierly to leave the matter of taking a new eensus until the law has become more clear. ' A report on the chan~in~; of the Highway throu~h town and l~ir Harris reported o~ a talk he had mith Dolliver and it was decided to wait and have nRayor Gibson constzlt wdith ~'Ir L.H.Gibaon Dist.r~.et Engineer for the State Highway. RESOLUTIQl~~ ~ 226 ~ A RES~LUTION ?ECL~RI~dG F.~S~' ~3R~P1CH STREET A BEXTLFVARD 0~ THROUGH IiIGH~IAY. C?n motion by Councilman Phillips,seconded by Cou~.cil~n " Lierlylthe follovain~ reso~.ution ~ras adopted by the fol~.owing votes AYES:Councilm~n Gibsan~Philli~s,~chn~der~~fenny and L~erly. I+TOES : I~Tone . A~~NNT : I~one . Be it resolved that the City Cauneil of the City of ~rroyo Grande does hereby deelare that ~'ast Braneh ~treet or the Ht~~sna Road be desi~nated as a boulevard or through hi~hway. Be it Further resolved to have the CTiie~' of Pol~ce ~install a stop sign on Le Point Terrace v~here it enters said f3ranch Street as per Ordinance # 34 of the City of ~rroya ~rande,and aceordin~ to Section # 471 ~ub b of the Californ~a Vehicle Code. There ~~as more discussion in re~ard:.to an emergency set back Ordinanee. B.E.Ewi.n~ brought up ~ne mat~er of supplyin~ ~ater ta Mr P,4c Clure ~vho has purehased the Hardin~ place and the Couneil decided the distanee was too far for one customer. _~lso R~ir Ewing brought up the paintir~;~~of the buildin~s at the wells ~.nd the Council told him to proceed with the work~ also to have ~r. Lon~well do the necessary work on the wells. The matter oF raising B.E.~,'vvin~s wages was brought up and after some discussion a motion by Councilman,Phillips~seconded by Cunncilrn=an Lierly motion carried to raise the amount €rom the water fund to ~ Claims against the Ceneral Fund for $Z061.6q the C~'ater Fufld for ~ 670.35 and the 9~a.ter~ Deposit Fund for ~ I~.O~ were audited~approved and ~rdered paid. No further business appearing and rapon motion th~ meetin~ was adjourned. Attest:i~~•`~ ` ~ Ci~~ erk ~~a or Y Y