Minutes 1944-11-15 297
ArrOyo Grande~Calif.
l~ovember 15~1944 -
~ The City Council met in r~gular session with ~ayor J.S.Gibson
On roll call Councilmen Phillips~~ehn~der~I~enx~y and Lierly report
ed present.
'I°he minutes of the previous meeting ~uere read and approved as
Com~nications were read and plaeed on f'iTe.
. ~ motion by CQCZneilman Sehnyder~seconded by Couneilman Lierly to
cancel licenses Nos.459? and 4694 ~~T~mes E.~hornton (Rawleigh prod.)
as the rou~e here had been diseontinued~
The ~ouneil instructed B.E.Erving to have the roof over the rear
oP the City hall covered ~vith roofing paper~alsrt to proeeec3 ~rith
building a suitable pen to keep the dogs whieh wer~e to be impounded.
~fter a leng~~y discussion on a raise in salary ~or the @ity
employees~a motion by Cnunc3lman ~chnyder~seconded by Couneilman
Lierly to raise E.Y.Edmands and H~rry ~~a.rt eaeh $ 15.0~ per month
said raise to con~e from the ~later D~pt.
~fotion by Councilma.n Phillips~seconded b~ Cot~neilman Lierly to
raise the salary c~f the Clerk ~15.~0 per month ,this to ~tome ocit
of the ~ater Dept.also.
- No further busin~ss appaarin~ and upon motion the meeting was ad-
j ourned.
. _ ~
, ,
~ttest: -
City Cle~k ~iay
ArrOyo Grande,Calif.
December 6~1944
_ The City Council met in regular session with hrlayor ~T.S.
~ibson presidin~.
Upon roll call Councilmen Philli~s,~chnyder,PF'enny and Lierly
rex~orted present. '
`T'he minutes of tk~e previous meetin~ were read and approved
~s read.
A letter was read from ~Irs Frank ~~ont~omery in re~ard to
a water ~ill which she said she h~d paid and u~on a motion
by Couneilman Fhill.i~s~seconded by Councilman S~hnyder ,motion
carried to canc~I the bill.
The matter oF a delinquent water bill for PJirs Irene Hartman
was brought up and the clerk was in~tructed to write her that
if the water bill was not paid imr~ediately the water would ~e
shhr~t off`.
Mayor~ Gibson re~o~ted on seein~ ~~~r L.H.Gibson of the ~tate
~ighvvay and said th.ey~_~rould not b~ v~illing to chan~e t~Ze rou~e
through town and al~o said the eouneil should ~roceed ~o have
parallel parkin~ on the main street.
The purchase of more bonds ~ras brou~ht up and o~i motion
by Councilman Phillips seconded by Councilman ~chnyder motion
carried to purchase $~QOO.CD maturity value of Series F Bonds
from the ?~~ater DQpt Funds . ~
Ciaims a~ainst ~~he General Fund for $811.99,the ~tater Fund ~
fo~ $ 467.57and the '~ater Deposit Fund Por ~ 32.5p were audited!
approved and ordered paid. ,
No further business appear.irlg and upon motion the meeting
was adjourned. i
~ ~
~ , i
~ ~ttest:,21`,.~~:~ ` ~ ~ ~ ,
o a'l7 _ ~ ~ ~ ~ I
City Clerk ~ g~ap