Minutes 1944-12-06 2~7 RrrOyo ~rande~C~Iif. i~ovember 1~~1944 - ~ 'i'he City CQUneil met in regular session ~vith ~~a~or J.S.Gibson presidin,~. an roll call Councilmen Phillips~Sehn~der~~4enz~y ~nd Lierly report ed present. ~'he rainutes of the previ.ous r~eeting were read and approved as read. Ca~nications were read and plaeed on file. ~ motion by Couneilman Schnyder~seconded by Cauneilman Lierly to caneel licenses Nos.4597 and 4694 ~James ~.Thornton (Rawleigh prod.) as the rou~e here had been diseontinued~ The ~ouneil instructed B.E.Ewing to have the roof over the rear of the City hall covered with roofing paper~alsc~ to praceed with building a suitable pen tv keep ~he dogs which were to be impounded. ~fter a leng~hy digcussion on a raise in salary for the @ity employees~a r~otion by Cnuncilman ~chnyder,seconded by Couneilman Lierly to raise E,Y.Edmands and Harry ~~a.rt eaeh $ 1~.0~ per month said raise to co~e from the ~later Dept. l~otion by Councilman Phillips~seco~.ded by Councilman Lierly to raise the salary of the Clerk $1~.00 per month ~this to gome out of the ~ter Dept.also. - No f~.irther business appaarin~ and upon motion the meeting r~as ad- journe~. ~ , , ~ttest: City Clerk ~tay ArrOyo Grande~Calif. December 6~1944 The City Cauncil met in regular se~sion with ~iayor ~T.~. Gibson presidin~. TJ~Qn roll call Councilmen Phillix~s,~chnyder,P:enny and L~.erly re~aorted present. ' `1'he minutes of t~e previous meeting were read and agproved as read. A Ietter ~as read frQm Mrs Frank l~~ont~?omery in re~ard to a v~ater ~iill which she said she Y~ad paid and unon a motion by Couneiln~a.n Pfiillips~seconded by Cauncilman S~hnyder ,motion earried to eancel the bill. The matter oF'a delinquent water bill for ~irs Irene Hartman v~ras brought up ar~d the elerk was instructed ta write her tha.t if the water bill was ~.ot paid irnr~ediately the water would ~e ~ht~:~ off. ~layor ~ibson repor~ted on seeing ~~~r L.~i.Gibson of the State ' High~vay arzd said they°_~vould not b~ ~illing t€~ ehar~:g~ the rou~e through to~?n and also said the Couneil should ~roceed to ha~e paral.lel parkin~ on:the rnain street. LL The purchase of more bonds w~as brought up and o3~ motion ~ by Councilman Phillips seconded by Councilman ~chnyder ~notion I carried tc~ r~urchase $~C~Op.CO maturity value oE" Series F' Bonds ~ from the ?"Tater DPpt Funds. I Claims a~ainst t.he Gener~al Fund for $8i1.99~the Water Fund I for ~ 467.57and the ~~Tater ~eposit Fund for ~ 32.50 were audited~ I approved and ordered paid. I No further business appea.~ing and upon motion the meetir~ ' was adjaurned. ~ ~ , ~ , ~ Attest: ~f ; , C~CTer~~~`~```.~`~_ I~a , ~ Y I