Minutes 1945-01-17 299:
Arroyo Grande~California.
~ar~uary 17,1945.
'~he Cit,y Council met zn regular session ~~ith ~~ayor J.S.Gibson
Ur~on roll call Councilmen P,~~enny and Lierly reported present.
_~bsent Councilmen Phillips and Schnyder.
The minute~ of the previous meeting were read and approved
as read.
A~roup of inen app~eared before the Couneil to expZ~in about
the danees being conducted in the M~sanic Hall on Saturday nights
and after the explanation ~he Council a~°eed there would be no
license fee if it was conducted as a elub and adm~>ssion fee char~;ed.
The building of a lo~ cabin at the eity Park by the ~3~y Seouts
was discussed but no definite action taken.
~,~r.Robert Rountree appeared and asked permission ~.o erect tv~o
storage tanks for ~asoline on the ~roperty where t~.e service station
is. City .~ttorney Harris ~ras asked to look the m~tter up and contact
IV`r R~ineau and if it was alri~ht Pi~.r P:~ineau would notify ~~r Rountree.
~rxr E~rving brought up the laying of a ne~r vrater line to the Kaar
~ropert,y ~s th~re was another service to be conn~eted and the line
now in use was too small.
'~?a further business appearin~ and mpon motion the meeting w~.s
4ttest:,~~. ~
i ty C er c r
. ~rrQ~o Grande~California
rebruary 7~1945
`I'he City Council ~net in re~ular session and v;ras calleel to
order by the City~~lerk.
LTpon ro11 call Councilmen Phil.lips~Schn,yder,~enny an Lierly
re~orted present.~bsent ~~ayor Gib~on. 4
R~otion re~ularly earried Gouneilman chnyder ap~ointed aet-
ing ~`la.yor . _
I'he minutes of the previaus meeting were read and approved
as read .
Comrnunie~tions wev°e read ~.nd ~laeed on file.
~ Councilman Lierly was a~pointed ta att~nd the r~eetin~ of the
Se~~~e Cammittee on Pc~st `°.'ar Construction ~o be held in San Luis
O~ispo on February ~,1945 ~nd represent the C'i~y ~ottncil.
'~'ater Supt. Fwing ~ras instructed to lay two inch water lines
from Leedham Lane to the ~aar property and also on Cross ~~reet
from Le Point ~t. to the C.E.Loomis pro~erty.
Harry Hart asked ~bout sellin~ the bunk beds that were in the
rire House as they ;F:ere not needed and were in the way,~?e was
. told to see a~h~.t he could get for them and ~roeeed to sell. them
to the best advanta~e.
C'nuneilman Lierly said th~t one of the Bay Scout 'T'roops
would like to use the btzildin~ ~.t the City ~rk '~or a meetin~
plaee and ~i~ was asked to ].ook into the matter fu~ther as to who
was to be responsible for the use of it. ~
The Clerk was instructed to write the State ~ployees Retire- ,
ment System as to the cos~ of ~.n acturial survey on the City
It was ~.~reed th~t City ~ttorney ?~.F.Har~ris":~~~:r~~ dov~m an ~
c~rdinance on licensin~ card g-ames at t'Ze next meeting. ~
~~otion t~yCouncilm~n Lierly~seconded by Councilman Philli~s '
motion carried to cancel license 4R09 for ~~nsley and ~~illiams
Dance as the~e ~as nQ admission e~iar~ed and the dance was con- '
• ducted as a club,therefore no licens~ was needed. ,
_ Claims a~ainst the reneral i^und for ~7'17 .2 the i~ater Fund
for $ q~'6.10~and the F~ater Deposit runcl for~: ~~7,g7 were audited~
approved and ordered paid.
I~~o further business a~pearin~ and nnon motion the meetin.~
was adjourned.
~ttest:~,~,~~,~.~ ~1~. ~
City Clerk ~ ~ ~r ~
_ ;