Minutes 1945-05-02 ~o~ Arroyo Grande,C~.lifornia M~y 2~ 1945 The City Council met in regular session with 1Vlaya~ ~T.S.Gibson presidin.g. On roll eall Councilmen Phillips,Sehnyder,A~enr.~y and Lierly reported present. ~bsent none. The minu~es of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Commu~ications were read and placed on file. ~~r Ewing reported that it would take in the neighborhood of 800 feet of pipe to reaeh the Ro~isan connection and the pipe would cost 32 cents a f'oot. The Counaril agreed it wauld eost too much for the revenu~ to be deriv~d from i;~. R1sQ the a~ot~nt of pipe ~o put out to the fiixaa~ proper~y and on to the Ruhl prpoerty would be around 1~Od feet and here it was alsa agreed: best not ta put the Iine in. T'he rr~tter about the street light: by the T.D.E.S.Hall anc~ Edmands corner was tT~.en taken up and Mr Ha~rris was ask~d to vurite a let~er to the Pac~:f3c Gas and Electrie Co.and the clerk was i~s~rueted to ask ~,~r Burr~ll ta write a I~tt~r also. Two applications for licenses to operate card t~bles were received~ one from G~orge Hendrix and one frvm lti~.usbaeh and Hendri~ ~nd upon a motion by Councilman Fhillips,seeonded by ~ouneilman Schnyder ~ motion c~rried to grant them each a Iicense. ~ttprney Harri.s was ask~d to write a letter to Mr~ Ida Olson asking her to remove the buildings fram the alley ~n between the property she had purchased from Mr?::,Northover. The Council agreed to have the i~i.re ehief purchase a couple of stretchers to have in ease of an emerg8n.cy as there had been s ever~l calls f or them of late . The final cleanup date was set ~or ~~ay 14- 19 and the ~ity tr~Ceks would pick up rubbish from the curbs at that time. The Counc:il examined the plans whieh were turned in with applications for permit to build,and after a lerig~~iy discussion the application of C.H.Lawrence for remodeling and alterations ta cost $ 600.O~~for H.~V.~own to build a house for 2700.OU~for ~J.D.N.ines to add on and remodel his house fo~ 750.0~}~for Frank Wolverton to change paEtitions and add a poreh on his house for 250.OO,for l~ss Frances I.Newsom to build a house for 2~00.00 and for E~S.Whitlock to add a bath and make alterations for 260.00~ were allowed . Clai~s against the General Fund for $105q.58,the Water Fund ~ for $ 672.01 and the ~ter Deposit ~`und for $ 12.0~ were audited~ approved and ordered paid. Councilman Lierly showed the tentative plans which had been drawn up for a new City Hall to be combined w:ith the County Build~ ings and it was snggested for the Council to meet with Ben Conr~c~ . some evening to talk over a site and the plans. No further business appearing and mpon motion the me~tin.g was adjourned. , Attest: ~ ^ ~ CZty C. er yo i