Minutes 1945-05-21 ~o~ t~rroya Grande~Calif. Niay 21,1945 The ~ity Council met in special session with Mayor J.S.Gibson presiding. Upon roll eall Councilmen Phillips~S~hnyder~~i~y and Lierly reported present.~bsent none. This special meeting was cal~.ed for the purpose of talking over a site and the plans for a ne~rr City Hall. It~Ir B~n Conr~d was ta have met with the Couneil but owing to illness he was unable to attend, No definite aetiorr was taken but several aites ~ diseussed and further investigation was to be made. Mrs Mai B~lle Ha:rper appeared and said she was replacir~ a porch and hadnt known about the Building Ordinance and if she might proceed with the work as she had a ea.rpenter engaged and would not be able t~ get him later on and also she had to be away later. TT'~iie Council agreed to let her proeeed ~rith the work. ,~Isa George Voile asked to be allowed to place a eouple of cement ribbons to install an ice vending un~b~. The Courtcil also consented ~o allo~v him to do the necessary work. No Purtl~er business appearing and upon motior~ the meeting was adjourned. ~ttest: ~_,~~~L~~ ~ ~ity Clerk Mayor ~rroyo Grande~California Jun~ 6~1945 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor J.S. Gibson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Phillips~Sehnyder~Menny and Lierly reported-°=present.Absent none.. The minutes of previous regular and ~pecial meetings were read and approved as read. . Mr J.A.Harrison~Manager of the Western Hydro Filter Co; of Fresno appeared before the Council and reported on the water softener whieh they produce and after explaining the different plants he agreed to write a Ietter giving all information and prices for the ~ouncil to have for future referenc~. Mrs Lee Ross and bgrs Fciwin T~ylor from the Womens Club~t~a dd ~skPd if they might be of any assis~tanee in helping to seeure a si~~yfor the new City Hall we hope to build. Communications were read and plaeed on file. The Clerk read the list of applications for building permits whiaah included:George Voile to install an ice vending unit~ Mai Belle Harper~To replace an old porch~to cost ~ 150.OO~J.F. Kaar ~to replace a porch~cost 100.00~ J.E.Warren to install 20 ft of sidewalk~cost 30.OO~Guy :~~.Palmer to roof a porch~cost 15.OO,Geo.Voile to lay 40 ft of sidewalk on W.T.Whitlock property~ H.H.Page to build a garage ~ Fred Norton~ alte~ations on a house cost 150.00~ George ~kers to bui~d a small house,cost 600.OQ,and V'Jinnetta McL~:ughlin~ a small house to be bm.~lt by Mr ~m.Peterson present ~ost to be around 600.OE1 motion was made by Cou;ncilman ~ Phillips ~seconded by Councilman Lierly ~motion earried to grant these permits. The Council agreed that the applieations for permits for side ~ walk on the street be made to B.E.Ewing ,Street Supt.and be subject ' to his appraval and also there wauld be no fee charged where the walk is on the street . A fee v~rill be eharged for sidewalk on ~i private property. R~OLjTTI01~' N0. 129 , Resol~ztion to cancell Personal Taxes whic~ had been erron~ousTy assessed to the Ba.nk of ~imerica. ' Passed and adopted by the following vote on roll call: ~yes:eouncilmen Gibson~Phillips~S~hnyder~ Menn~ & Lierly. Noes : fione ~bsent : Nane ' St Supt~ E~ring was instrueted to proeeed with the oiling of Ta~I,~r Ho Road~ Leedham Iane and the shoulders on V"alzey Road. No bids eame in for the new motor and pump far the we11 and the Gouneil instructed E3.E.Ewing to purchase and install a 40 HP motor and suitable pump as soon as possible. Cl~ims against the General Fund for ~ 788.22~the ~Va~e~ Fund for ~ 633.82 and the Water Deposit Fund for 20.0~ were audited ~approved and or_dex~ed paid. adjou°rnedther business appea~in g and upon motion th _ ting was ~t~est: /~ho.,~.z+~ ~I • ~ " City C7.Erk h~ayor .