Minutes 1945-06-20 306 ~ ~ .Arroyo Grande~Califarnia ~ June 20~1~45 ~ The City Council met in regular session with Mayor J.S. Gibson presiding. Upon roll call Counc?lmen Phillips~5chnyder~~enny and Lierly reported present.~bsent none. The minutes of the previous meeting were read ar~d approved as read. The purchase of more Government Bonds was diseussed and a motion was made by Councilman Lierly , seconded by Coc~ncil-~ man Phillips~ motion carried to purchase Bonds of $10~000.00 maturity value from the water fund. E.D.Cook appeared and asked permit to build a shop on fiis property. The cost~ to be $ 1500.Od, after lookin~ over the plans a motion was made by Couneilman Phillips~seconded by Councilmar~ Schnyder to grant this permit. : ~fter a lang discussion about starting work without firs~ ~ obtaining permits,~ouneilman Lierly made a motion to notify the City Attc~rney and have him take aetion aga.inst e.C.Sharps~ Paul Wilkinson~Troy ~.Robison and Ben Ta~nazzini, and the mot,ion carr~ed. l~ir Ben Tognazzini appeared a d f_,~ er some explanation Councilman Sehnyder made a md~ti~n~`~Fie permit.~seconded by Councilman Phillips~motion carried. The Wilkinson Application For permit was held up as there was no valuation on the ~1ans. Further discussion on a site for the City Hall,but no aetion was taken. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned to July th at 8 P.M. , ' ~ 'n ' Att~st• ' City Clerk ~ _ ~ay