Minutes 1945-07-05 3U'~ Arroyo Grande~California July ~ ~ 194~ The City Council met in reguZar session with ~iayor J.S. Gibson presiding. ?7pon roll call Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~Menn~y and Lierly Reported present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Cammunications read and ~laced on file. ~~r Ben Tognazzini appeared with new plans for the building he is intending to construct and amotion was made by ~ouncilman Phillips~ seconded by Councilman ~chnyder to grantb the permit and he was to ~ay an additional fee of ~F 2.00 as the building i~ now to cost $1 00.0~ in place of 950.00 as the original plans called for , the motion carried. ~ Mr~ Clarence Burrell appeared in behalf of the Elementary Sehool and asked if the Council eould continue t,o con~ribute towards a guard at the school,crossing .A mot~on was made by Coun~ilman Phillips ~seconded by Cauneilman Lierly ~motion carried to cantribute $ 15.00 per month through the school year. Mr Burrell then inquired about building permits and fees for the sch~o:~ and stated the High ~ehool contPmplated doing auite a bit of ~n~iding later on and as they would have to have a State and a Federal Inspector he wanted to know if it Lvould be neceessary to have the City Inspection also.Attorney ?~.r.Harris ex~Iained the way the Ordinance n ~w read it would be neccessary ,and he said they should plan to`~the fee for any immediate btzilding . Mr C.C.Sharps and ~llr Paul ~Tilkinson appeared about the permit for the construction being done by Sharps for V~ilkinson and after quite a leng~hy discussion a motion was made by Councilman Schnyder seconded ~y Councilrnan ~,qenny~ motion carried to grant the permit for the construction to cost $ 4000.00. The fee was to be doubled as the work was started before the permit was granted. The following az~plieations for permits were granted also~ George Hendrix~ alterations on building to cost $ 200.OO~A.H. Gruenstein to pour concrete floor in gara~e to eost ~fi 60.O~~l~.W. Fdmands to install septie tank to cost $ 4~.~0 and Rolland Hixon to have some electric wiring installed to cost $25.00. Claims against the General Fund for ~ ~89.12~ the Water Fund for $']g0.17~th~ t"later ~eposit Fund for $ 16.00 and the Income Ta~ Fund for $ 259.OQ were audited~ approved and ordered paid. RTO further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjouned. - ~ t t e s t :i~~a . ~'~.a.~I . ~~'~.~'~.r-~ ' City Clerk Zayar ~ ~ i , ~ i ~