Minutes 1945-08-01
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Arroyo ~rande,Cali~"ornia
~ugust 1,1945
Z`he City Council met in regular sessian with ~Iayor J.S.
Gibson ~residing.
Upon roZl call Councilmen Phillips~Sehriyder~Menny and
Lierly reported present.
The minutes of the previotzs meetin~ were read and approved
as read.
, The communicatior~s were r~ad and placed on file.
Her~r A eda a
Y~ ppPared and asked if he mi ht ut sever
g p aI
, s of eorrugated iron on the roof of his buildin o
t ke~
it from leaking.Th~ Council a ee~T that he mi ht g p
g praceed with
~he work,
Councilman Phillips ~ade a motian~secQnded by Ca~zncilma.~
Nenny to allow the Brownies and Gir1 S~outs to use the builc~
' ing at the park whenever it was not occupied by the Forestry
Dept .
St.Supt. E~,ng asked about vacatio~s and was told to arran~e
to take them when it was agreeable. The Council tol~: him to see
the County about doing the neccessary ~ork at the City Dump.
~upt.Eaving also asked about having Brisco put some sand on
TaIIy-Ho Road sQ they could spread some oil on it. He was told
to make the arrangements ne~cess°ry to proceed=~xwith the work.
Mi' Ewi~g ~lso asked about the purchase of a Fordson and the
attachments and the Council agreed to think th~ mat~er over. ~
A site fo~ the City Hall was discussed and after talking~
over the location on the corner of Branch and Masan~belonging ~
~ to the 1f~a:rren Bros;Councilman Men~y made a motion to author-
i~e the City Attorney anc~ Mayor Gibson to start negotatio~s
for the purchase of the proper~y for the sum of ~~~OO.OO~~the
motion was seeonded by Couneilman Phillips , a11 voted for the ~
motion but Councilman Lierly who di_d not vote either way.
~fter looking over the ~'inanci~.l statement of ~uly 31 ~ 1945
Couneilman Phil3.ips made a motion to transfer ~5000.0~ from the
General Fund to Capital Outlay Fund~this being surplus uneneumb-
ered funds,the motion was seconded by Councilman Sehn~rder,motion
C.A.MeKenzie suggested moving the twenty five mile signs :
out one thousamd feet and ~ttorney Harris was to call Mr
Dolliver and make the necessary arrangements.
~ ~T.4.l~ineau reported that T.A.Robison had never aame in and
paid the ~2.00 Bal.on his building permit and he was now builc~
ing a septie tank,!~t~orney Harrfs said he would send down the
papers to file against him.
Luildin~ plans were looked over and Councilman Phillips
made a motion ~seconc~ed by CouncilInan Sehnyder to allow the
following permits;l~ine~u and Loorhis~to tear down a s~all bldg
~5~~d~ N.~V.Biddles to bmild a small house to cost 1800.00 and a
green house to cost 250.OO~Central H~me Suppl~ to ~a.ke repairs
on bldg 500.O~and Fr~nk Clugg to build a double garage to be
used temporarily as a dwelling 1100.00.
The permit of Paul i.Haney was held u~^ as the valuation was
considered too low.
Bills against the Genl Ftind for $796.87,The ~la.ter Fund for
• $~1~.Ol~the Water Deposit Fund for $ 2.00 and ~'he Special Gas
Tax Street Improvement Fund for $ 22~.32 were audited ~approved
and ordered paid. i
No further business appearin~ and upon motion the meeting
was adjourned. ~
• , ~
Ci ty ~ er yo~. !