Minutes 1945-08-22 ~io ~
~rroyo Grande~Calif. ~
t~ugust 22 ~ 1~45 ~
The City Council met in regular session with ~Iayor J.S. • `J
Gibson presiding. ~
Upon roll call Councilm~n Phillips~Schnyder~~enn~r and
Lierly reported present!
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved
~ as read.
Comr~unications were read and placed on file.
Th~ subject of lights or some sort of control on the State
Highway was brought up by Mr G.F.Woolley and Nir Harris the
attorney ~as to contact 11Uirr polliver of t~e Highway Dept when
he returns from his vacation.
C.~.McKenzie reported that ~1rs R.B.Illenstine had asked ~
about keeping the dance open till 1 A IVl~the Couneil agreed
it would be better to close at I~~idnight as had been done for
some tim+~.
D~r Rountree asked about cutting some trees in front of ~he
Steele propertybut he was to be notified that it ~ould be
necessary for him to contact the State Highway.
The matter of a loading zone in front of the Lawrence and
V~alker property was brought up but it was laid on the ~table.
C.A.McKenzie also b~ought up the dangerous condition of the
rock wall of the l~ugustin~ Agueda property and attorney Harris.
was to notify Mr ~gueda something would have to be done. '
Resolution adopting budget and approving memorandum of
agreement fo~ expendit,ures of 1/4 cent gas tax allocated ~or
streets of major importance.
Passed and adopted by the following vote on roll call:
~YES: Councilmen GibsonlPhill3ps,Sehnyder~M~nny and Lierly.
N~~' : None.
ABS~]'T : NOne .
The follo~a.ng building permits were approved and granted
~.C.I,oomis and Son remodel office cost OOt.to ~
~ ~ 5 750 dollar~s,
Pawer & Wagner~add a warehouse to cost $800,9~*s Louis Rhodd
put concrete floor and wall for future garage $?S.OO~~ineau
and Loomis ,w~PehousE addition $ 1200.OO~PauI T.Haney building to
cost $~~OO.O~,and Frank Boseh remodel porch $ 160.00.
Recess deelared f'o~ the purpose of taking up the duties of the
Board of Equalization.
Board reconvenes as a Board of Trustees ~'or t~ae purpase oP'
s~tting the tax rate for the coming year.
~ ~ifter due deliber~ation and upon motion it was decided to set !i
the rate as follows: General Fund ~I~:B~~Sewer Bo~d Fund l0cent~
and the Capital Outlay Fund 10 cents making the Total tax rate
$ 1.2~ which is declared to be the t~ rate for the current year
1945 - 46 on each 100.00 dollars valuation.
After same discuss~on in regards to the street Assessment fund
it was decided in vie~r of t~e fac~ that all bonds and interest
had been paid~to transfer the amount of' ~ 2251.22 from the Street
Assmt Fund~Genera~ Fund~ The motion was ma.de by Couneilman Phillips
seconded by Councilman Lierly, motion carried.
Amotion was the~n made by Couneilman Phillips , seconded by
Couneilman Menr~y to transfer $ 22~1.22 from the General Fu3~d to
Capital ~utlay~for building pr~rposes , this being surplus unex-
pended funds.
It was decided to have Mayor Gibson contact County officials
to see if they would like to go in withP.the City on the new City
Some discussion about the securing of a new bnildin,g insp-
ector and it was decided to have Mayor Gibson contact the Conts-
aetors and ask them to come to the next meeting and try and work
out some of the many problems.
No ~"urther business appearing and upon motion the meeting
was adjourned.
i• ~
Attest: ~
ity Cl~r ~ay ~
~ ,