Minutes 1945-09-19 312
14rroyo Grande~Califprnia ~
September l~,lg4~ ~
The City Council met in re~zlar session with Mayor J.S.Gibson
Upon roll call Councilmen 5chnyder~l~~enriy and Lierly repor.ted
present,Absent Councilman Phillips.
The nRinutes of the previous meeting were read and approved
as read.
Commnnications were read ~d placed ~n file.
Harry Hart~Fire ~hief asked about disposing of the air comp-
ressor. ~~e was told to get bids for it as there was no further
use for it.
rvRayor Gibson reported that ~ir polliver from the itate Highway
had been dowrl and su~gested the removal of the old Sehool Zone
signs as the school is now too far aUray from the Highway and
also new reflectorizpd signs or~ered for the 2~ mile signs and
to be placed to better advantage. After a speed test is made
they will authorize the placing of some 35 mile signs farther
The Counc_{_1 asked ~ttorney Harris to write a let~er c~~` prot-
est against the issuing of an On Sale Beer license to Elizabeth
Power and Genevieve V~lagner. He was also asked ta notif~r Mr `I'~.urlby
ase~:vell as l~~r 1~.S.Agueda about the wall in the building on
Bra.~.ch Street where the Ulestern Auto itore is Ioea~ed.
The following permits were granted~~nest ~"+ildharber to
build an outside stairv~ay to attie to cost $ 150.OO~S.A.Buckland
to put eement floors and siding on gara~e doors to codt $ 250 &
C.C.Sharps to bmild a loading platform for Paul Wilkinso3~ ta
cost $ 250.
It was reparted so far they had not been able to secure a
building inspector. .
No fnrther business appearing and upon motion the meeting
was a.d j ourned .
~ttest:~ /
City Ier ~ ayor ~