Minutes 1945-10-11
~14` ~
Arroyo Grande,California ~
, October ll,lg45 ~
~n infc~~~was held to discuss Post ~lar Projects with Niay~r
J.B.Gibson,~Councilmen Schnyder,Menny and Lierly present.
4bsent Cour.~;ilman Phillips.
P~r Ben eo~aa met with the Council and told wha~ he knew
about the planning fo~ funds so far. He also sho~ed the survey
plans for sewers for the ~estErn Addition and gave tentative
figures for-.the cost.
In order to fill out the necessary fo~ms to obtain funds to
help with the building of a City Hall it would be necessar,y to
have an arehiteet s figures and he was asked ta contact MrRr
Douglas of Sa.n L,uis Obispo to see if he could shape up some
plans so the farms could be ready as they have to be in by
the 20th of October.
I~TO further business the meeting ~s braug ^to a close.
~ttest: r' /
City eler ayor
.~rroyo Grande~~alifornia
Qctober 17~1945
The Ci'ty Council met in regular session with Mayor J.S.
Gibson presiding. _ + _
Upon roll ca11 Councilman hillips,Schnyder and Lierly
reported present.Councilman ~~enny arriving later.
The shoulders :of the Higfiv~ay in. front of the High Sehool
was reported to be in bad shape and 1Vir "Ewing was instructed
to have them taken care of~ He ~as also asked to contact I~r
N~.ro1d Howard in regards to the figures on a water line to
the XavieT ~roperty.
~_r Ben Conrad and 1t~~r H.~.Douglaswere present to discuss
the plans for a City Hall and also about the sewer praject in
W'estern ~ddition. ~fter taTking the plans over ~ouncilman
Sehnyder made a motion seconded bEr Councilman Lierly that
Mr Ben. ~onrad be authorized to sign the project ~aeports for
the City. _
The signing"of a contract with n.~r pouglas as architect •
was h~Id up`until N~r Harris the ,~ttorney coul~ check the
matter over. _ _
A buildin~ permit for H.K.pgan to put a door in his
house was ~ranted. _ .
~ warrant a~ainst the General`Fund for ~ 423.OC?v~as
audited,approved and ordered paid. ~
P?o fur-~her business appearing and upon motion_the meeting
was adjourned.
, . .
~t~;est: ~ , ~
City ~le~ ay r
~ a