Minutes 1945-10-17
~14 ~
Arroyo Grande,California ~
October 11~1945 ~
~n infc~~~was held to discuss Post ~tar Projects with Mayar
J.$.Gibson,Gouncilmen Sc~iriy~:er,l~~enny and Lierly present.
?~bsent Cour.~;ilman Phillips.
T;~r Ben Co~rirad met with the Council and told wha~ he knew
about the planning fo~ funds so far. He alsa sho~ed the survey '
plans for sewers for the `~estErn Addition and ~ave tentative
figures for~:the cast.
In order to fill out the necessary fotms to obtain funds.to
help with the building of a City Hall it would be necessariy to
have an architect s figures and he was asked to contact Mryr
Douglas of ~an Luis Obispo ta see if he could shape up som~
plans so the forms could be ready as they have to be in by
the 20th of October.
No further business the meeting ~s= braug ~to a close.
?~ttest: ' ~ -~r ~
City ~ler , ayor
~.rroyo Grande~~alifornia
Qctober 17~1945
The City Council met in regular session with Mayor J.S.
Gibson presiding. _ . _
Upon roll call"Couneilmen hillips,Schnyder and Lierly
reported present.C~unczlman ~Tenny arrivin~ later,
The shoulders :of the Highvaay in front of the High School
was reported tv be in b'ad shape and I~~r "Ewing was instructed
to have ~hem taken care ofy He ~as also asked to contact ~r
Harold Howard in rega.rds to the figures on a water line to
the Xaviel ~roperty.
~~_r Ben Conrad and ~~~r H. B.Dou.gl~swere pre5ent to discuss
the pZans for a City Hall and also about"the sewer project in
? Western ~ddition. ~fter talking the plans over councilman
Schny~er made a motion seconded b,~r Councilman Lierly that
Mr Ben eonrad be autharized to sign the project ~eports for
the City: _ _
The signing of a contract with ~°r pouglas as architect •
was held up`until Nr Harris the ~4~torney coul~. check the
matter over. _
A building permit for K.K.Ogan to put a door in his
house w~a.s granted. _
1~ warrant against the General Fund for ~ 423.00 was
audited,approved and`ordered paid.
tro ~urtYier' business app~ar~ng and upon motion, e meeting ,
was adjourned. -
4ttest: ~ ~
C zty ~le~ ~.y r