Minutes 1945-11-07 31~
Arrayo ~rande~C~.lifornia
TTovember ~ ~ 1945
The City Council met in regular session with ~:~~ayor J.~.Gibson
Upon roll call Councilman Phillips ~Schnyc~er,~~~enny an~ ~'ierly
reported present. .
The minutes of the previous meeting were~~~read and approved as
~Rr L.q.Brisca appeared and offered ta give the City the Right
of Way and water pip~ line from Cienega Road to his ranch property
if theCity wouTd replace the two inch line with a four inch line
and put the two inch pipe where the l~ inch Iine is now and give -
him the 1~ i~lch pipe to continue the line from the house on down
the hi11. The matter was discussed but no action taken at this
time. -
V~erdi 2~~ills appeared and asked if something could be done to ,
slow down traffic on Tally-No Road and after discussion it w~:s
thought it might be possible to place 2~ mile sign.s out there.
A number of the business men appeared and asked if the City
Couneil could do something abou~, a night ~ra:tchman. The ~.atter dvas
diseussed and the Council agreed to give it further consideration
and take the matter up at the next meeting.
The Council agreed to have Chief of P~lice C.~.~ilcKenzie to
arrange to have a ma~ron whenever needed to take women prisoners
to and from San Luis 4bzspo.
B.E.Ewing,street Su~t; was ins~ructed to take care of the
~,rading and gra~eling of Arroyo ~venue and Railroad Ave~ alsa
to smooth ux~ ~he road ~ast the Turney ~lace.
~~~r E~ving also asked about placin~ a culvert on Valley Road
at the alley and was told to put one in if they were available:
City Attorne~ xarris said it ~avould be permissable fo~ the
City to enter into a contract with ~~r "ouglas the architect.
~:Rr George Barnes,building inspector was asked to see George
Bell in regard to~moving a garage,.
motion ~~~as made by Councilman ~chnyder~seconded by Council-
man Lierly to grant the following p,ermits ~~ddison 1#;~oods to build
an office on Poole Street 900~ Harve Mallory to build a beau~y
shop on West Branch 5t.~ I000~ Fair Oaks Grocery to move a garage
and remodel it for a liquor store$ 800.00 and ?N.H.~eyen to build
a house on the alley of his propertyto cost $ 3000.
~ills aga~nst the ~eneral Fund for ~`756.09,the VJater Fund for
$~95•30~ the Water Deposit ~'und for $ 20.00 and the ~peeial ~as
Tax Street Improvement Fund for $ 1080.55 were audited,a~prQVed
and ordered p~id.
I~7o further business apperaing and upon motion the meetmng
. was ad j ou~•ned . " .
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