R 2283
Rm:>LUTION NO. 2283
WHEREAS, the Qty Council of the Qty of Arroyo Grande has considered Parcel Map Case No.
88-468, Exhibit A, in accordance with Chapter 3 of the Subdivision Ordinance of the Qty of Arroyo
Grande; and
WHEREAS, the Qty Council has found that this project is consistent with the General Plan and
the Envirorunental Documents associated therewith, and a Negative Declaration has been declared
under the provisions of the Califomla EnviroJJl1ental Quality Act (CEQA); and
WHEREAS, the Qty Council has found that the following fmdings can be made:
- ODtional Desim Findiru!s~
1. The proposed project produces a more desirable and livable COI!II1unity than the
minirm.un requirerrents set forth in the SUbdivision and Zoning Ordinances;
2. The proposed project creates a better COI!II1l.11ity envlronnent through the dedication
of public areas, setting out pennanent scernc easements or open spaces, or through the
rearra~nts of lot sizes or reforestation of barren areas; and
3. The project reduces the danger of erosion.
- Tentative Parcel Mw2. Findinl!'S:
1. The proposed map Is consistent with the applicable general plan. The existing general
plan designation would permit up to 4.5 dwelling units per gross acre. Therefore, the
parcel size of 29,040 gross square feet would permit the proposed 3 lots. The R-l
zone would pemit a minizrum of 6,000 square foot lots. Thus, the project appears to
be consistent with the general plan density;
2. The design or improvement of the proposed subdivision is consistent with applicable
general plan;
3. The site Is physically suitable for the type of development.
4. The site Is physically suitable for the proposed development;
5. The design of the subdivision or the proposed imJ;tOvements are not likely to cause
substantial environmental damage or sul:8tantially and avoidably injure fISh or wildlife
or their habitat, because an initial study was ~pared and the Planning Carmission
finds that there are no adverse conditioos;
6. The design of the subdivision and type of imJ;tOvements are not likely to cause serious
public health problems; and
7. The design of the subdivision and/or type of ImJ;tOvements will not conflict with
easements for access through or use of the property within the proposed subdivision.
The Planning Cam1ission finds that a road through the property is not warranted.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Qty Cbuncil of the Qty of Arroyo Grande
hereby reconmends approval of Parcel Map Case No. 88-468 subject to the following conditions of
~ Dep8rtment
1. A soils report shall be filed with and approved by the BuIlding Official, prior to
recordation of the f'mal map, or gracllng pemi t of the site.
ParIes and Recreation Dep8rtment
2. The project shall meet the staIXIard Tally Ho Creek easement requirements.
3. There shall be erosion control on all slopes 2:1 or greater. An erosion control plan shall
be submitted for review by the Parks and Recreation Director.
4. AU efforts will be made to preserve the existing oak tree.
~ Department
5. The minimum net Jot size shall be 6,000 square feet, per the R-1 zone.
6. Developrrent shall be in suootantial conformance with the plans approved by the Planning
Carmission on January 3, 1989 marked Exhibit "A".
7. In the event that during grading, construction or developrrent oC the project, any
archaeological resources are uncovered, all work shall be halted until the Ci ty has
reviewed the resources for their s~ificance. Additional archaeological studies may be
required. 'The applicant shall ~vide Planning staff with a status report on the
imlierrentation of this nUt~ation meesure, pursuant to Asseembly BID 3180.
Public .Works Deportment
8. A minimum right of way of 30 feet shall be provided between Qoown Terrace and May
Street. A 6 foot standard street tree and (Nblic utility easement shall be ~vided along
Crown Terrace and the connection with May Street. A six foot wide sidewalk shall be
provided along Qoown Terrace and the connection between Qoown Terrace and May
9. The water mains in May Street and Q'Own Terrace shall be looped together with
appropriate hydrant installations.
10. The developer shall provide Cor a drainage easement with ap~prla te drain structures to
the Tally Ho Greek.
11. The developer shall provide a deed restriction to clarify setback concerns on all parceJs
prior to recordation of parcel map.
12. On the final map, Assesror's Parcel No. 7-253-13 shall be shown as "Not 8. Port".
13. If a hatm1erhead turnaround Is provided, the applicant shall maintain said turn around.
Fire Department
14. The project shall provide fire flow of 1250 gallons per minute at 20 ~i residual.
15. Any allowed sub--standard vehicle corridor shall be posted as "no parking" In canpliance
with the Califomla Vehicle Code.
On motion by Council Member Moots, seconded by Council Member Smith, and by the following roll
call vote, to wit: .-
A~: Council Members Moots, Smith, Dougall, Olsen and Mayor Millis
NOES: None
the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted thi> 24th day of January, 1989.
'MAY}.~ ~~ ~fL
AITEST: ~ a. ~)
I, NAN~Y A. ,DAVIS, City Clerk,of the City of Arroyo Grande, County
of San ,LU1S OblSPO, State ~f Callfornia, do hereby_certify under penalty
of perjury that the foregolng Resolution No. 2283 is a true full and
correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a reg~lar meeting
of said Council on the 24th day of January, 1989.
.WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed
thlS 31st day of January, 1989.
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