Minutes 1945-11-21
~16 ~
~rroyo Gra~ide , Calif ornia
November 21,1q45 ~ I
The City ~ouncil met in regular sessian w3th l~~.ayor ~.S.Gibs_or~ I
U~om rolI call. Councilmen PhilliFs~Schnyder~Menny and Lierly;
reported present~ _ , _ _
The minutes of t~ie previou~ meeting ~ere read and approved
as read. _
It was reported that the F'air Oaks grocery ~as puttin:g in gas
tanks for a service station and as they had made no application
for a permit the Clerk wa.s instructed to notify `~eo,Barnes and '
have him check on it. _
P~Rr Lester Golden appeared and asked if the City would leave ; .
an alley way in back of his property so he could build a ga.rage
on the b~.ck of his lot and have an entrance to it. ~~he Council
talked the matter over but said they neede all the land for
The pipeline to the B~isco Praperty was discussed and it was
decided not to accept the line csr ri~ht of way at the present
time. &1r Ewing then asked if Mr Brisco might extend his own line
further dowm the hill~the p~oposition was diseussed as to whether
the City would have to guarantee water. The ~ttorney ruled that
it would not be obli~ated and said he would prepare some blanks
for new users to sign so that it would be understood the City
vv~sf°just furnishing them with surplus water and could discontinue
service if the water ~ras not available.
The matter of raising the charge for water outs~de the limits
of the City was discussed but no aetion taken,
It was reported that a number of cars drove aver the fire hose
on Branch Str~et when the Hart fire was being put out and the
Council agreed some a~tion should be taken.
B.S.Ewing was instructed to check on ~hat portion of ~lpine St
lying south of Grand ~ive. as a number of people have purchased
land and would like the road put in shape so they can get in and
~ permit for L.A.Golden to put a new foundation under his
house v~:as granted.
~ number of businessmen v~~ere~~resent to see what was being done
in regard to a night watchma~. and the matter was-discussed and
City ~.ttorne,y Harris said it should be cl~early umderstood if it
was to be a merchant patrol or extra police patro-l. It seemed to
be the opinion of alI it would be merchant patrol. ,
The problem of raising the funds was discussed and it seemed
the best way would be to increase the licenses of thode whieh
would benefit from it.I~r Geo.Hendrix a~reed to conta~t the merchants
before the next meeting.
~ :4ttorney Harris then brought up t~~~.e subject of the purchase of t~e
'~'arren property in ~ugust and asked~~the Clerk to read the motion
that was made on ~ugust l~ and after the reading the purchase was
discussed and Councilman Phillips made the following motion~
Whereas~pursuant to the motion of August 1~1945 authorizin~ neget-
~ations to be entered i~to by the City Attorney and I~~ayor Gibson
for the pmrchase of the property at the corner of Branch and AP,ason
Streets in the City of P.rroyo Grande from the `rarren Brothers for
the sum of five thousand seven hundred dollars~said purchase having
been made on behalf of the City of ~rroyo Grande by ~"ayor ~ibson~
now therefore be it resolved that said purchase is herewith ratified
and the payment o~ sa.id sum of
$ S~OO.CO for the purchase of said
property is further authorized and ratifined. Councilrr~.n Schnyder
seconded the motion,which v~as passed by the following vote on roll
call; l~yes: ~ayor Gibson~Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~~~~enny and
Li er ly .
~'oes : I~Tone .
_'~bs ent : I~TOne .
The claim which was made fo~ ~t~Yi.e purchase of the property was
to be presented at the next meeting.
The Council requested~~the Clerk to write a letter to the City
Attorney a~king for an opinion in regard to vahether a CQUncilman
could be ~n the City Board"and be connected with the bank where
the City funds are deposited,also could a Councilman be.a stock-
holder in the bank , and do the City funds have to be deposited _
in the local bank.
No further busine~s appearing and upon motion the meeting was ~
adjourned. ; ~ '
A~t.est.: '
City Clerk ay _