Minutes 1945-12-05 ~17 ~rro~io ~rande ~ California December 5~194~ . The City Council met ~n regular session with ~~ayor J.S.Gibson p~esiding. _ _ _ Uron roll call Councilm~n Phillips~~chnyder~I~~enny and Lierly reported present. The minutes of' the Trevious meeting were read and a~proved as read. A communication fram Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference was re~d and it ~ras decided to lay the m~tter of l~Iembership over until ~~r,George Barnes the building inspector could be consulted. Councilman Phillips reported that the street was very low in front of the Barcellos buildin~ and there was seepage IDnto the basement. 'I'h.e ~atter v~ras discussed and also the resurfacing of Braneh Street but no action taken at this time. N~r ~~I.L.Edm~nds anpeared to see if ~nything further had developed about Railroad 1~ve; and there was some doubt e~ressed as to whether it had been accepted~:into the City Street 5yste~n~also it would have to be surveyed before any work cauld be done. ~~r ~Iaude ~ltontgomery ~s present to ask if the City wanted to use the gravel from the old.railroad right of way as he vaas going to level it of~`. There was some discussion but no action taken. Ea.rl ~eeley from the Volunteer Fire Dept;spoke in regard to the traffic followin~ t~.e fire engine when goin~ to a f~re and it ~raas declared to be very dan~erous in several ways and it was suggested the City ~ttorney prepare an Ordinance against the z~ractise. B.E.Ewing~b=later Supt;asked about ordering 30 water meters and ~~vas told if he needed them he rad better order them. The problem of ~rading ~Ipine ~treet was brought up and a~ain the matter of whether it had been accepted into the City Street System came up.~.E.~'wing Street 5upt;said the southern e~d of the str_~et was covered with limbs and brush from eucalyptus trees and trrould take~ a lot of work before ~-rading could be done.It was f" su~gested that the owners of pronerty facin~ on the street clean up the street and then the C.ity would ~rade it but no definite action vras taken. The Brisco pipeline disc.ussion next came up and there w~s a len~thy discussion and B.P.Ewing was told to have N1r Brisco come to the next meetin~: The contract for Mr H.B.Douglas~arcnitect ~'or the new City Hall was read and Councilman Lierly made a motion to accept the contraet of?3.B.Dougl~s as architect,this wa.s seconded by Councilman ~ienny~ motior carried and the contract was signed by ~,~a~ror C'xibson f~.n behalf of the City. It was su~gested -that Ti~r George Barnes check on the Fair Oaks Crocery as it was reported they were doing more work than they had permits for., , .qfter reviewing the building permits a motion was made by Councilman Phillips~ seconded by Councilman Schnyder to grant the folloring permits:F.L.Kuhlenbeck to buYld a house on V"Jhiteley St; ~ for 2500~C.C.~harps to build a house on Alpine and Cornwall 6000~ i G.De~Leon to build a house on T?ewsom ~ubs1500~Troy Robison build ~I Garage on property purchased~~from Kaars. 600.~.H.4"linslova repair Gubelman residence on Ide ~treet 200~Robert Rountree to ins~all j tank and gas pur~p at Fair ~aks Groc ery 1~ .O(} ~ and ~'aldo E. Hart to build a house or_ ~.llen Street to cost 3000. The matter of having a street light installed on Traffic ~~:y , ~s there were no li~hts from the intersection with Branch ~treet , for ~ long distance vaas diseussecl but no action taken. Councilmar~ S~hnyder made a mo~ion wihieh ~tras seconded by Council- man Lierly authorizing ~ttorney H~.rris to netition the County Supervisors to cancel the taxes on the pro~erty purchased ~y the City from the V~larren Brothers. The ~~tter of drav~ing up a new License Ordin~.nce U~as discussed and itw~ras a~reed the Council hold an info~~2~meetin.g at 7.30 P.M December 10 to g~ over the license prablems. , Bills against the Gener:~ l Fund for ~ 732 .14, the i~ater r und f'or $ 46E.37,the 4ua~er Deposit ~und for ~ 20.00 and the Special Gas Tax Street Imp.Fund for $ 77.KC? were audited and approved and ordered . paid. . ~Iarrant A?o .1 on the capital `'utlay r~und drawn ~ug! 14 ~ 1945 for ~ 5~700.00 for the pur~chase of the property from the ?~"'arren Brothers vras audited a_~d approved. ~ ATo further business ~rpearing and upon motion the meetin~was ~:d j ourned . ~ =+IJ~IC~iS~.t~• • ~f . 6.f~T~..L.~i:~~..~~~~j~ ~ - . City Clerk :~a.yor