Minutes 1945-12-19
31$ ~
Arroyo Grande,California ~
December 1~r1945 ~
~n informal meeting of the City Council v~as held to discuss ~
a new License ~rdin~.nce. The f'ollov,~.ng Councilmen were present
Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~r~~enny and Lierly.ybsent I~ayor
uibson. '
License fees were discussed and the ~anta ~viaria License Ord. ~
was reviewed and su~gestion~ were made but no definite aetion
vaas taken. ~ - -
~Q,~~ ~ ~
~ttest ; i~D, G'/ol~"~Y~'
_~rroyo Grande~California
December 19~1945'
The City Council met i~ regular session with ~ayor J.S.Gibson .
Upon roll call Couneilmen Phillipsl~chnyder~~~~enny and Lierly
reported present.
The minutes o~' the previous re~ular and speeial meetings were
read and approved as read.
Communications were read and placed on file.
The matter of having extra copies of plumbing Ord.~ 3~ printed
for future use was discussed. &2r George Barnes the building and
plmmbin~ inspector suggested we have 500 copies and Couneilman
Lierly made a motion which was seconded by Cmuncilman Sehnyder
to have the clerk have the extr~. copies printed.
T:"r C.~.Lindsay appeared and wanted. to make it clear to the
Council that he and ~Zr liendri~ were ~::~nerely having a v,~atchman till
after the holic~ays.
PJ~r George Hendrix was in to protest a~ainst another liquor store
being opened here, the City _4ttorney ex~lained the situation and
and the Council c~uld not take ~ny action until such time as the
15 day notice was posted and then anyone or the Council could put
in a nrotes~ if they wished.
~ESOLUTI~N 131 mH.~c~./y-fyys`
Be it resolved,t~at the Cmty:Couflcil of the Czty of Arroyo Grande
does hereby ~o on record as being o~posed to having any more
liquor stores or establisYunents ~^rithin the City of ~rroyo Grande
and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the State
Board of Equ~lization.
~~YES:Councilmen Gii~son~Phillips~S~hnyder and ~~:~C Lierly.
1~On~ : Counc ilman A~enny.
?~BS~?'l~: PTCATF~
It was reported that scales along the sidewalk were a nuisance ~
and liable to cause an accident and the Council ag,reed the sto~e-
keepers or anyone having them along the street be;notified to
keep them off the sidewalk.
~,~r L.~.Brisco arpeared and talked over the water line propmsition
/ and after a discussion a motion v~~as made by Councilman Schnycler,
secon~ed by Councilman Lierly to replace the 1850 feet 12 inch
pipe with 2 in.and ~:~r Erisco agrees ta lay the l~ in~.pipe on down
the hill and furthermore agrees to giv~ all the Ri~hts af 4`,lays and
the entire line then be the property of' the City of _Arroyo Grande
r"later Dept.
Councilman Lmerly made a motion,seconded by ~ouncilman Phillips
to take a years membership in the Pacific Coast Buildings Officials
ConfErence~ for the coming year.
The elerk ~,ras instructed to vurite a letter to Alphonzo ~.Rell
~o se~ if soma a~rangement could be made to use the oId railroad
right of way from Huebner Street to .~llen St for a roa~-'_.
The a~plications for building ~ermits were looked over and the
permit for C. L. Thurman v~~as considered way ~oc~'.;low and they agree~a
to pass on it if it w~.s raised to ~ 4000. A motion was made by
Councilman Lierly~second.ed by Councilman ~chnyder to ~~.the
following nermits: Deril P.'Naiters to build stare ~'l~;~g" 5000?
Robt.Rountree ~ara~e and washrack 500~Gri~es and Edwardsremodel
office 200~C.L.Conrew Porches and garage 1000~Denison and Hopkins
inatall neon sign 15'S anci C.L.Thurman to build house for 4000.
R warrant on the General r~und for ~ 52.00 was audited,Approved
and ordered paid.
The Council i~eviewed the lis.t of vdater users where there were
more than 1 house on a meter and it was ~greed they should be
raised to ~ 2.00 a unit.
T?o further business appearing and upon mo ion t ee~~ng was
~ttest: "
City Clerk ay