Minutes 1946-01-02 31~
Arroyo Grande~California
January 2~1946
The City Council met in r~gular session with ~~ayor J.~.Gibson
presiding._ _ . _
Upon roil call Councilm~n Schnyder,~~enny and Lierly reported
present.~bsent Councilman PhilTips.
The minutes of thA previous meeting ~~~~-Tere read and approved as
~ ` read.
Comm~nicatons were read and ~laced on file.
Street Supt; Ewing vaas authorized to sign papers granting
permission to the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company to trim
limbs and tops of trees along the Highwa.y and on ~alley Road.
~McKenzie report~d that he had talked with ~"r Pruess and
Mr ~Iearn in regard ta the scales on ~he sidewalk and they
reported that the Company who put the scales there had them fully
insured but that ~vhen the :~an came alon~ later this month they
would ask them to remove the scales.
Building ~ermits vaere discussed and Councilman Schnyder made
a motion~seconded by Councilman Lierly to grant the followin~
~ermits:lt~.~~.Betita build ~ double garage ~.nd vrash house on I~ason
Street to cost ~ b00~Andy L.tVilcox to put a partition in the paint
shop on west Branch to cost ~ 75, and P~?r Bertrem to build a garage
on the south Highway to cost $~00~ motion carried.
Ceorge Barnes the building inspector was to see C~as.Bell about
:~utting a quonset hut on his preperty on Short Street.
Bills against theGeneral Fund for $ 721.42~the ~r~Iater F'und for
~~23•33,the w~ater Deposit Fund for $ 16.00 and the Ineome Tax Fund
for $ 219.20 were audited ~~~proved and ordered paid.
P?o further business appearing and upon motion the meeting
was adjourned.
Attest '
City Clerk ayor
l Arroyo Grand~,Cali~ornia
January 16~1946
The City Council met in regular session a~d was called to order
by the Clerk.
Upon rmll call Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~Menny and Lierly
Y~eported present. Absent Mayor Gibson.
A motion made by Couneilman Phillips~seconded by Councilman
Menny to have Councilman Schnyder act as ltiiayor.
'IThe minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as
Communi~at~bons were read and placed on file.
The Clerk was i~istructed to v~~.te the Federal Housing Administr-
ation for help on plans to zone the City.
The License Ordinance was discussed and the Clerk was asked to
call ~lttorney Harris and arrange for a special meeting to frame
up the new Ordinance,
Building permits were diseussed and Counci2manPhillips made a
motion~seconded b~ Council.m~n Lierly to ~rant the following permits~
subject to the approval by the t'uilding Inspector~ H. Liquor
store,shelving and Partition to cost ~ 250.OO,Sydney. Horner rebuild
a garage cost $ 300.OO~Robert B.Forsyth make an addition to his
house$ 1300.OO~Waldo Hart build a~arage $ 40~.OO~Don ~haffer re-
surfaee Yard and install 10~000 gal. underground tank and one pump
for $ 3000,00 and Don Shaffer build ~~a.rage and warehouse to cost
~ 1500.00.
P1o further business appearing and upon motion the mee~ing w~s
; ' j
Attest : ~ e~r ~ - _ r~ j
City erk ~ May r ~