Minutes 1946-01-23
320 ~
~rroyo Grande~Califo~nia ~
January 23,1946
The City Council met in special session with I~Rayor J.S.Gibson presid-
The~~~pnrp~s~e=~~f ~his meeting was to discuss a new License Ordinance
and a11 Counci2men were present. City Attorney Harris also was present.
After discussin~ the different classifications the Attorney agreed
to have it written up and five copies m~iled to the Councilmen to be
looked over before the next meeting so it could be read at that time
if it ~t~~as found to be satisfactory~
No further business appearing and u~on motion the meeting was
adjourned. ,
Attest: ~~~~~~,e
Clt ClPrk
y ~
!~rroyo Grande~Californi~
February 6, 1946
The City Couneil met in,regular session with Mayor J.~.Gib~on
presidimg. -
U~on roll call Councilmen Phillip~~ Schnyder~ ~denny and Lie'rly
reported present. ~ ~
The minutes of the previous meeting were read ana ar~rroved as
The eommunications were read and placed on Pile.
Harry Hart,Fire Chief asked about p~~ing Earl Seeley For th~
work he had done on the fire truc~C and he was told to Pi~ure up
the time and present a~aill.
Couneilma.n Schnyder reported he had be~n present when the new
pump ~a.s testeed at the well ar~d reparted it had tested347 gallans
of water per minute.
Bids for the g~s for the coming year were reeeived ~.nd the bid
of the Rountree Oil Company for ~thyl g~s at 14~- cents per,gal.
was aecepted upon a motion ma.de by Councilma.n Sehnyder~seconded
b~ Couneilman Lierly~the motion carried.
Ordinance # 81 v~as discussed and the Title was r~ad and upo~
motion by Councilman Phil2ips~seeo~ide8 by Couricilman Schnyder it
w~s agreed to dispense with the reading of the balance af the Ord.
The clerk reported that Mr DQlliver of' the State Highway Dept. ,
had been in and r~ported the permi~ for~.~the blinker li~ght had
been gr~nted. Couneilman Sehnyder made a motion~seconded by
Council,ma.n Lierly to have the cl~rk order the blinker li~~it.
f?uilding permits were discussed amd Counci].maEn Lier~y made
a motion,secondEd by Councilman Phillips to grant the follo~ving
ermits: Charles Bel2 to build a quanset building for a ga,rage
~ 1~0O~~.Whiteside to make alterations on building at High School
$ 40~Davis Garage make alter~tions ~ 250'G.De Leo~t put addttion
to building $ 1000lK.~r.Rooker put up neon sign $ 150~C~tg ~'.Palmer
to build Business building $ 1~~040 and the High Sel~c~ol to build
a quonset bui2ding For a ga.rage. ~
Bills for the General Fund for ~ 75~. 4~the Wa~Ger Fund far
$ 2,281.81 and the water Depasit Func~ for ~ 24.~ w e audited~a
approved and ordered paid.
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