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Minutes 1946-02-20 321 Arro~o Grande~Ca3ifornia • February 20i1946 The City Council aret zn regular session with ~ayor J.S. Gibson pres~ding. , tJpoz~ roll ca1Z Couneilmen Phillips~Schnyderr;:~enny ~nd Lierly reported present. The min~x~es of the previous meetfng were read and apprcved as read. Comr~nicatio~s were read and placed on fil~. Mr T.A.Robison a~peared and asked about get~Cing water to his house on the 102 Highway and the matter was diseussed and B. E. ~ras asked to see the ~ighrnr~y Dept and also Mr Ka~r before the next meeting to find out about running the line out there,it was said to be about 700 f2et beyond the Iine no~ in ~ usa. ~ ° ~ ORDINA~E # 81 AN ORD~ NANC E I,IC ENSIIVG THE TRt~NSA C TI QN AI~ CARRYI ll~'GG ON OF EVEER~ KIND ~F IA~'tTL BUSIN~S ~ TR~DE~ PR~FESSI~~!!'~ CAI,LING AND OCCUPATION' HE~EINAFTER SP~CIFIID CARRiED OItT G~ITHTN' THE CORPOR~TE LIMITS bF THE CITY t~F ARR4Yf} :GRf~NDF~STATE OF CALIF'OR1V~A~FIXIIQG THE R.~TE OE LICENSE T~X UP4~ 9A1~E A3~D PROVIDZNG FOR THE C~LLL~CCTION THERk70F~ AND PRIDVIDING A.~P~itiTY~'F:~JJR`'"1'H~=°VIOLPiTTn1V' OF THE PROVI~ I01~°S OF THIS ORDII~NCE AND R~3GtT~,ATING THE USE OF THE PUBLIC STREETS FOR BUSII~aS PI~RPOS~~SI4D REPF~iLING ~iLL OTHER ORDIN~NCF~ IN C4I~ FLICT HERE~ITH~S.~VE AS OTHk~~ISE HEftEIN PROVIDED. The Ordin~nee was read by the Cler~, and upon motion~which i~ was seconded and carried~ was adcapt~d by the vote. AYES: Couneilmen Gibson,Phillips~ Schnyder~Menny and Lierly. l~OE.S: No~e . :~BSIIQT : ATone . The Ordinance was then signed by Mayor Gibson and attes~ed by the Clerk of the City and ordered printed and published in the Herald -.Recorder. A large delegation of business men ~ere present to discuss the j hiring of a night wa.tch~n and also the new t)rdina.~ce.T'h~ere was a very lengthy diseussion upo~ the subject a~ad the names of ~,ho~e who had application for the job were read and the Couneil , . agreed to give the matter ~1.irther consideration gnd the business ~ men were to make Purther study of the matter and appear at '~he ~ next meetfng. - Notice of Election. ' NQtice hereby given that a General Municipal Election will be held in the City of ~irra~CO Gra~de~CouMty oP S~n Luis Obispo~State~ ~ of CaliPornia or~ Tuesday the Ninth of April, 1946,at whicY~ ~ectia~t I the following offices are to be filled: ' Two Councilmea ~ - - Ful2 Term ' One City ~Ierk - - - - - - - Short Term ~ ' There will be one voting precinet for the purpose of holding s~id ' election~consisting of the consolidation of the regular eleetion precinets establi~hed for holding State and County electioMS as follo~s: Consolida.ted voting precinet " A~'comprising State and County precinetsnumbers ~rroyo Grande~One~ Two and T'hree and the ~ polling plac e thereof shall be at the Arr~o~ro Grande City Hal2. The polls will be open between the hours of 8.0p`_° o' clo~k A.~. ~ , and 7.00 o'elock P.M. The follo~ving named persons have been duly appoiated as eleetion o~'f'fcers for ~he holding and conductin,~ said election,namelys I1~0SPHCTOR ~Irs A+Iyrtle Baile~t JUDGE A~irs .~nnetta Whitlock elerks ~Ir~s M~e _ Ketehum and Mrs Rebecca Thatcher. In a~32 partitrulars sueh ele~tion shal~. be held and conducte8 ~ in the manner provided for the holding and conducting af Muni.cipal ~leetions in said Cfty and in aceordance with the i~r.v~?s oP State oF CaliPornia applicable thereto. D~ted this 20 th day of February,1946. The co ~ ~a ~.Schillfng,~ity ~lerk. mgansation to be paid to the electioa oFfYcer~ for the Genaral ~nicipa~. Election to be held April 9th ,1946 was diseussed and ord~red fixed at the sum of $ 6.Op each. 3~2 y Contf~zed. ~ ~ Irisu~anee poli~ies needing-t~ be renewed were diseus~e8 and ~ ordered renewed with E~C.Loc~mf~ and Son. Two building permits wer~ gra:nted, one to Chas. Smith ta build a ga.rage and add ta~o porches to his house ~for $ 80O.00 a~i RT.O. Grimes to build a double garage and wash room ~'or $ 10a0. - No further busin~ss appea~ring and upan motion the meetf~g ~was adjourne . : ~ ~ ~ Attest: , ty C er i'' M or ~ ~ Arrc~yo Grande~CaliForni~e Februa~ry 26,194b ~ The City Council met in special session wfth Mayor J.S.Gibson . presidin~. Pres~nt were Phillip~~Sehnyder and N~enny'. Absei~t Couneilman Lierly. This was for the purpose o~' d~scussir~ the elas~sification oF the new Lic ens e ~rdinarlc e. At the new License ra.te ifi,r~as reported the addedurevenu~ to tha City wou2ct be somet~in,~ over $ 204 p~r quarter. No Purth+er businees appeari~g and up~n motion the meetin~ wa~ ~.d.~ ours~Qd. Attest: . ~ 1~ .1~ ` ' ity er ~ ~or . ~ ~