Minutes 1946-03-06 323:
~rroyo Grande California
l~areh 6, 19'4~
Z'Yie City Council met in regular session with Mayor ~3.5.
Gibson presidin~.
Upon roll ca11 Councilmen t'hillip~~Schnyder~~enny and Lierly
reported present.
T~ae minu~es of the previous mee~ing were read and approved
as read.
Cormnuni c ati oss ~~x~ead and plac ed an f i 1 e.
Mr J.Y~.Ruhl appea~red to see if hg might deed the City a 50
foot strip for a road through his property ta continue Alpine St.
• on to h~s driveway~ a,nd he aZso asked about surveying it . The
~ City having no City ~ngineer he would have to hire an engi.neer tc~
do the surveying. The Couneil agreed to give the matt~r further
~ There was a large delegation of Business people present to find
out what was to be done about a night watcY~an and B~r Ralph Bennett
, braught up the parking problem also. 4fter a discussion Councilman
Phillips ~ade a motion to instruct the City Attorney to draw up an
Ordinance to have parallel parking with 1 hour time lim~t on Brancfi
Street from Short Street to ~Vesley Avenue and on the north er~ of
Bridge Street.Time ta be from 9~,.~. tr~ ~ P.~'. ~.f,s mo~Gia~ was s~°i
onded by Coumcilman Menny and the motian carried.
, `'urther di8cussion abou~ the night watchmen and the Council
agreed that as soon as the right man far the job could be secured
they would hire a man. -
t~ motian by Councilman Phillips~seconded by ttouncilman ~ erly
that Councilmafl Schn~yder be appointed to hire a night watchman
temporarily. Councilman Schnyder then hired H~r ~obert Lee Lambeth
to take the job temporarily.
Councilman Ph~.llips suggested when the new Merchants ~ssociation
we~se organiz~:d~,~h~y might have a committee to help draw u~ a new
Zonin,g Ordinanc e.
B.E.Ebving reported on the pipe situation for water lines no pipe
'available at this time and they could not quote any price. ~lso the
distance on ~lp3.ne Street for water lines was 1520 feet and a number
v~' people were interested tn getting water. The line to ~r Robisan
was discussed but no way ~o run the line out there had been agreed
upon to date.
~r.Ewing also asked about oiling Short Street for a parking place
and he was told to proceed with the work whenever possible. Also to
grade and gravel La.rchmont Drive,Wi2tou P1ace,Vernan Ave;a~d ~esley
Avenue. ~r Ewing was instructed to make s~me payment ~o the~man who
loadMs~ bhe truck+s witl~~grave2.
~r ~vfng asked about getting~a pipe locater for.~the Wa~ter Dept.
and was told to purchase one.
It was also suggested to have the City Attorney eheck as to
whether the C~ty had eny water rights for use of water from t~p th~
creek.The folloaring buildi~ permits were ~ranted~C.C.Sharps to
build two small houaes for oward Hans~ to eost $ 4772~~n.~'huraaan,
~o build a house to cost ~ 4000~M.W,F.~clmands to build a house and
co~ shed to cos~ $ 30~~ and Homer T~ Varhee~ to build a house to eost
$ 3000. ,
Bills a~ainst the Ge~,eral Ft~nd for $ 1444.4~~the W~ter Fund for
$ 1~82.48 and the Water Depcsit Fund ~or $ 24.00 were audited ~ !
approved and ordered paid. ~
No further business appearing and upon mo~.ion the meeting was '
Attest: ~ . ~ '
~ ~
~it~y~C e~~r~~ " ,
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