Minutes 1946-04-10 ~26 ~
Arroyo ~ande~~alifornia ~
~pril I0.1946 ` ~
The City ~ouncil met in aa adjourned regular session and ~
was called to order by the Clerk.
On roll call Councilman Phillips,Schnyder~~`enny and Lierly
reported present. ~t~sent ~taycsr Gibson.
0n motioia by Councilm~.n Sehnyder~$eeo~ed by Counei7.m~.n
Lierly~ Counci7.~an Phill~pa ~vas appointed to serve as M~yor.
Joe ~,ieda Jr. ~ppeared and asked to have his license
ehanged from a~a.ra~e and service station to a service staticn
and it was listed under Section b0 ar~d~;'tk~e fee to be ~~.0€3
instead of $ 10.00 . - ~
l~rr ~lilder from Fair D~.ks had asked about conneeting up ~rith
` the sewer but the Couneil did n~bt a21ow the conne8tian.
It was reported ~ha~t Mr Jameson was maving from the City
property on Bra3leh Street and upon motio3~ bg'~Co~ncilman ScYi»yder!
seeanded by Cnunei].man Lierlyi Councilman Phillips ~as appointed
to have charge of the renting.
Th~ Clerk was in~tructe8 to ~rrite the Department of ~'inance
for the necessary forms ~or filing for the Citys portion of
State ~'..:9
Cour~cilman Schnyder made a mo~ionyseconded by Couneilman ~denny~
motion ~arried~ autho rizing the City C~erk to write M~ Ben Conrad
asking him ta come to the nsxt Couneil meeting to discu~~ the
po~sibility of his ~iling proper papers and forme for allocatio~t
of State Fc~ndss.
It wa.s agreed to meet on ~uesday ~pril 1b,194b at 9.30 ll.B~.
for canvass aP votes from the election held April 9~1946,1
Mr Ew~.ng said he would like to hane the cleanup week~ April
22 to 26 inclasive afld.A~ay 13 to 17 inclusive.
Two building permits were presented and the Council granted
one to Paul Hearn to build a garage for t~ ?5f?.t?0~ they held up
the one ta ~T.1~.Meyers
The ~ttorney discussed the Iieense Ordinance and several
suggest~ioas were made so it would not be necessary tc~ make az~ '
ameridments .
It ~rgs agreed to eontinue ~dr R.L.Lambeth oA as r~g2~~,wat~ch~art
Por thirty more days. I
~fr E~r3.ng asked about ordering pipe and ~ the Attorney said I
he could order ~up~~t~ ~~'Op.04 without asking ~or bids.
Harry Hart ~as grant~d peranission to have his vacat3on the
fore part of ~Tuly.
~~o further busines~ appearing and upon motion the meeting
was adjourned. ~
Att~st,s '
Y er or ~
~ ~