Minutes 1946-04-16 Arroyo Grande CaliFornia
,~pr.il 16,194~
City Council met at a special session and we~s called to order '
by the Clerk. The purpose af the meeting.being to canvass the
returns oP the General ~unicipa.1 election held Apri1 9th?1946.
Upon roll aall Councilmen F~hillipd~5ehnyder~~enny and Lierl~r
reported present. ~bsent 1~ayor ~ibson.
A mo~ion by ~ouncilman achnyder~seconded by Gouncilffian Lierly
to have Couneilman Phillips act as ~ayor.
~fter a canvass.of the above mentioned returns~ the following '
resolution was presented:
Resolution # 131
WIi~II4.S~ a General Municip~l El~ction was held in the City
of Arroyo Grande~on Tuesday the 9th day of April 1946 as requ3~red '
by law~and
WH~E~lS~ ft appears that notice of said election was duly
and lega.Zly given~that votirrg precinets were properly establislr '
ed~and election officers were appointed and eleetion supplies~
furniehed~and that in all respect~s said election was he~d and
condueted and the votes cast therat reeeived and carnrassed~and '
returns thereof made and declare8 in tim~~form and manner as
required by law of Sixth ~2ass Cities.
At1~ID ~IE~E~S~ the Cow~cil of s~.id City met at ~he Council
Cha.mbers thereat on Tuesday the i6th day of April 1946~ to ,
eanvass the r~turn~ of said electior~~ and having canva~sed said
returns~ the Council finds that the number of' votes cast~the I
names of the persons voted for~ and other matters requi~ed by '
la~~ to be as hereinafter ~ta~Ged~ now therefore '
BE T~ RESOLVE[3AS F~LLOWS~ That s~id General I~unicipal
Eleetion was held and cond~eted in the City of Arroyo Gr~cnde '
on Tuese~ay the ninth day o~' ~pri1 1946,~s time~ Porm and i
manner as required by law~that there ~as one voting precinet
established for the purpose of holding said eleetian eonsi.stin~
of a consolidation of the regular election precincts establislr
ed for the holding of General ~tate and County elections as
fo2lo~rs: ( eonsoiidated Precinet R)comprising State and County
Precinct Nr~mbers OMe~Two and Three~and the vati~,g place thereof ~
was the eity Hall. ~
That the whole nnmber of votes east ir said City was 35~~ I,
that the names of the person~ voted for~ the offices for whieh
they vuere voted~~th~.number af votes given in each precinct to i
each of said persons together with ~he whole number of vote~ I
which they received in the enti.re City are a.s fallaas: ~
Names of person~ voted for Counci7.man Full Term~ Votes ,
Joseph S.Gibso~ rt " 142 !
J.J.Schnyder ~ ~ M 244
. Robert F.Rountre~ „ ~t ~ ~~l
Ben Tognaz~ini ~r 1 i
Mrs Edna ~.Sehillirtg City t~lerk Short Term 323
RE,;OLVID therefore~ that as said General Municipal election,
J.J.Sehr~yderwas declared elected Councilmaa of th~ City of '
Arroyo Grande Por the Pmll ~erm of four years.
~ilso that Robext F.Rountree was declared elected Council.man
of the City of ~,rrcryo Grande for the full term o~ four year~.
Also that Mrs Edna 1~.Schilling was declared eleeted City
Clerk Por the City of ~rroyo Gr~nde for the short term of two '
The City Clerk shall ma.ke and deliver to eae~ of such persons '
elected a certificate of eleetioni signed by himyand duly autherr
ticated.: H~ shall deliver said CertiPfcates at the next
regular Council meeting at which time he shall impose the Conss-
titutional oath of ofPiee and have them subscribe theret~ii~ere--
upan they shall be inducted into the respective ofPiees ~o ~ich
they have been elected.
I~ the undersigned hereby certify that the forego3r~g Resolution
was dt~lq and regularly introduced and adopttd by the Couneil of
the City oP ~rro~o Grande at a special meeting held April 16th
1946, by the follov~i.ng vote:
AYES: Councilmen Phillipsi Schn;yderl~enny and Lierly.
NOFS: N~ne ~
~BSIIVT: Mayor Gibson.
32~ a,
E eontinued) ~
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and afPixed ~
the ~fficial seal oF said City~this 16th day o~` ~pri1,1946. ~
City ler v :
No further busine~e appearing and upon motion the meetir~g
does now adjourn. ~
or "
Arroyo Grande~California
April 17~1946
lhe City Council met i3~ regular session vv~th ~ayor J.~.
Gibson presiding.
Upon roll call Counczlmen Phillips~Sehnyder~~ienny and Lierl~C
reported present~
The minutes of the.~previQUS regdilar and special meetin~s
were read and approved as read.
~fter the reading of the minutes,upon motion by Councilman
Phi2lips~seconded by Councilman Lierly the o1d Eaard d~e$ now
Upom ac'~,jo~rrnment of the old Board the new ~oard of ~1'rt~~tees
was c~~1~~dst~imedthebnewle eleeted officers we~e sworn
~ y in by
the ~ity Clerk.
Upon motion by Councilman Schnyder,seconded.by Councilman
Menny! Counvilman Phillips was una.nimously-elected Mayor.
Mr I~en Co~arad who had been requested to meet with the City
Council was present to talk over plans for his t~aking care of
the neccessary papers for Piling for the Citys portion of State
~ money to be allocated and used for sewers and plans.~r Conrad
said the Citys portion of this money would be around $ 10~~00
ai~d would have to be matched with C~:ysfunds and also there •
would be be around $ 19flfl.r,for plans.Mr Conrad agreed to tak~
care of the neeessary papers for the City.
"~ouncilman Lierly asked about hiring RAr C.W.~icCoy as help
' in the office and do some ~vork along the engineering lin~ and
fill out later on some other wprk.Mr MeCoy was cailed and a~ked
to come down and talk it over with the ~3r~,rd~ he came in later
and vwas hired at $ 1~0.00 per manth ai~d the Council agreed to
raisE it at the end of' six months if all was satisfaetory.
Councilman Lierly then made a motion to give a$ 15.00 per
month raise to the folZowing ernployee~:~?.E.Ew3.ng,C.A.MeKenzie,
E.Y.Edmands,Harry Hart and Mrs Fdna M.Schilling~the raise to
take effect the fi~st of l~~a.y, the-motion was ~econded by Council
man Rountree and the motion carried.
Couneilman Rountree said it had been su~gested~to move the
red marks on the curb f~r police cars from across from°the PosL
Office to in front of the City Ha~I to make more pa~rking place
for business but he was told it would be better to leave it the
vway it was~ as calls came in at the Justice Court and it wa.s
more centrally Iocated.
The Clerk was instructed to call the P.G.& E. Co. office to
see if we could ~et the neeessary eable to install the blinker
li~ht and if it was alri~ht to use their poies for the w ork
and then to ca~l Mr Turneyand report to him.
Mayor Phillips appointed Councilmen Lierly and Rountree to
look into the cement hollow tile for use in building a ~ity Hall.
Councilman Rountree made a motion~seconded by Councilman
Lierly to inst~zuct Mr E~ving ~o get someone to put 2 coats of paint
on the City HaII.
F,R.Vermillion reparted that the road had been blocked by a
truck one ni~ht and t~ere was considerable discussion about
parking at the Trucking Company and aldp he wa.s interested in
~etting the roads eared for up to his plaee . He was tolc~ that a
as soon as the equipment was in shape they intended to improve
the roads up there.
Council~n Rountree was aaked to talk to the xighway officers
about the intersection by the 101 Hiway and the Truckirtg Co.to
see if something could be done to rr~ke it safer.