Minutes 1946-04-17
~2~ ~
E~ ean~3~nt~ea) ~
In testimony whereo~ I have hereunto set my hand a~d=affixed ~
the ~fficial seal oF said City~this 16th day of Apri1~1946. ~
City er v
No further business appearin~ and upon motior~ the meeting
does now adjourn. ~
~ - or ~
Arroyv Grande,California
April 1~~1946
jhe City Council met i~ regular session w~th ~ayor J.S.
Gibson presiding.
Upon roll call Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~Meriny and Lierl~
reported present~
The minutes of ~he.~previo~xs regilar and special meetings
were read and approved as read.
~fter the reading of the minutes,upon motion by Councilman
Phillipsiseconded by Counei].man Lierly the olcl Board doea~ now
Upom ad~o~trnment of the oId Board the new ~'oard of 'j'ru~tees
wa.s called to order by the Clerk. '
At t~iis time the newly elected officers were sworn in by
the ~ity Clerk.
Upon motion by Couneilman ~chnyderlseconded,by Couneilman
Menny~ Counvilman Phillips was unanimously elected Mayor.
Mr I~en Coffirad who had been requested to meet wi.th the City
Council was present ta ta.lk over p3ans for his taking care of
the neccessary papers for filing for the Citys por~ion of State
~ money to be allocated and used for sewers and plans.~r Conrad
said the Citys portion of this money would be around $ 10~000
a3~d would have to be matched with C~~;ysfunds and also there ~
would be be around $ 19t~4:~for plans.Mr Conrad agreed to take
care of the neeessary papers for the City.
~`~~ouncilman Lierly asked about hiring R~r C.W.MeCoy:as help
' in the office and do some work along the engineering lin~ aad
fill out later on some other work.Mr MeCoy was called and asked
to come down and talk it over with the ~r~q.rd~ he eame in lat~r
and was hired at $ 150.~0 per month a~hd the Council agreed to
raisP it at the end of six months if alI was satisfactary.
Councilman Lierly then made a motion to give a$ 15.00 per
month raise to the folZowing employee~:R.E.Ewing~C.A.MeKenzie~
E.Y.Edmands~Harry Hart and Mrs ~dna M.Schilling~the raise to
take effect the fi~st of l~~ay, the motion was seeonded by Couneil
man Rountree and the motion carried.
Councilman Rountree said it had been sugg~este~~~.to move the
red marks on the curb f~r police cars from across from':the Post
Office to in front of the City Ha~I to make more paFrki~g place
for business but he was told it would be better to leave it the
way it was~ as calls came in at the Justice Court and it was
more centrally Iocated.
The Clerk was instructed to call the P.G.& E. Co. office to
see if we could get the neeessary eable to install the blinker
li~ht and if it was alright to use their poles for the w ork
and then to ca~l Mr Turneyand report to him.
Mayor Phillips appointed Councilmen Lierly and Rountree to
look into the cement holl.ow tile for use in building a ~ity Hall.
Councilman Rountree made a motion~seconded by Counciln~n
Lierly to instttuct Mr Ewing to get someone to put 2 Coats of paint
on the City Hall.
F,R.Vermillian reparted that the road had been blocked by a
truck one night and tHere was considerable discussion about
parking at the Trueking Company and aldp he wa.s interested in
getting the roacls eared for up to his plaee .~Ie was told th,at a
as soon as the equipment was in shape they intended to imprQVe
the roads up there.
Councilman Rountree was a~ked to talk to the Highway officers
about the intersection by the 101 Hiway and the Truckizxg Co.to
see if so~ething could be done to make it safer.
~ .
( Continued )
The following building permits were granted:: ?.,.Q.Prisco to'
remodel the stane building to cost $ 2000~Bert Hawk to put up
a quonset with store front to cost $ 5040~Frank J.~'anowiez to
move in and repair a house tQ cost ~ 3~d~ and IUlauriee Mills to
build a chicken house to cost $ 40.
Claims aga.ins~ the Ger~eral ~'und for $ 9~i.45 were audited
approved a3zd ordered paid.
Mayor Phillips sa~d that sometime in the near future a
committee for zoning thecCity would have to be a~pointed end
suggested that some members from the Merchants ~ssociatio~
would be asked to work with the Qouncil.
Mr F,~Ing asked about getting ~iscos equip~ent to help
with putting an oil mix on some of the~street.s~ he alsa said h~
had some used pipe he could extend a w~ter line in Western Addi-
tion for the present to service a needed conneetion.
~ The ictatter of abandonment of Harden ~treet was didcussed
but at the present time a garage frontedcon the street and it
was decided to look into the matter further.
No furtherebusines~ appearing and upon motion the mee~ing
was adjourned. :
~ ~
>I ~
Attest:L~~..~~L~ ~ ~ ~ .
-r----------r--, - -
City Cl~rk b~ayor