Minutes 1946-05-15 331
( eoNTZNUm )
The painting of the buildings at the well was discussed and.
'a motion was made by Councilman ~ehnyder~seconded by ~ouncilman
Rountree to get bids for the paintin~g of the buildin~s.
Bills against the General Fund for $ 1428~BP$~the Water Ft~nd
for $'797. ~3 and the ~t~ater ~Jeposit Fund for $ 20.00 ~also Warrant
# 141 from the Water Fund For $ 549.71 paid in Apr3.1 ~were audited,
approved and ordered paid.
No further business appearing and upon r~otion the meetin~
was adj~urned. ~ ~
, • ~
ity Clerk Mayor
arroyo ~rande~California ~
May 1~,1946
The City Council raet in regular session with Mayor H.R.
Phillips presiding.
Upon r?oll ca11 Counci7.men Sehnyder~~Ienny and Lierly repa~ted
present.Absent Counei~ma.n Rountree.
Communieation~ were read and plaeed on file.
A motion was made by Councilman Menny~seeonded by Council
man Lierly to appoint ~~Ir C.W.~eCoy as buildin,~ and plumbing
inspector for the City.
The retitions for sewers in Western Addition were read and
Councilman Schnyder made a motion,seconded by Co~neilman Lierly
_ to have Mayor Phi1].ips anpoint a committee to see about having
someone circulate the p~titions and contaet ~he peopl~ inWestern
Addition.~iayor Phillips appointed ~ounc~lmeri Schnyder and Lierly
to contact the proper persons to circul~te the~petitions.
Co~tncilma.n Sehnyder made a motion,seconded by Couneil~n
Lier~yy to issue a lieense for a damce and carnival to the Teen-
A~e Group without any eh~rge.
Mr H.B.Douglas and ~r Ben Conrad were here to diseuss tentact-
ive plans for the City Hall and after diseussing the plan which
had been submitte~. a motion was made by Councilman Schnyder ,
seconded by Council~n Lierly to authorize ~r pouglBS and Mr
~onrad to ~roeeed with plans and specifications so that applica-
tion could be made for the ~tate and rederal `unds as they might
become available.
P~~S~p^~.~~d~~~.o~~~~ b~ '~i~;e:~~~'ol~nwf~ig vote on roll call:
AYF~: Councilmsn Phili~ps~~ehnyder,Menny and Lierly. ~
ABSEN'TsCouncilman Rountree i
The plans and fi~,ures For the pipe Iine to the East end of town ~
were discussed .and the matter wa.s laid over to a later date for ;
further study.?'.E.Ev~ing was asked to contact the signers of the
petition to see ~ow many would actually use the water.
?~.E.Fwing said he was not sure he had enou~h second hand pipe
to la~ the water lin~ in t~estern Addition so he asked permission %
to lay a 2 inch line instead.
The work on the streets in Valley View Tract.~was discussed '
anc~. the Council thought best not to do too much work at this time.
The road has been graded and some gravel hauled onto it and no
oil mis will be put on at this time.Couneilman Lierly said some-
thing should be done on the shoulders up by the Hig~h School.
Mr Ewing was instructed to paint a white line and a large
" STOP"on the intersection by ~~~allys Cafe.
Mr Volz License was disc~ssed and the Council agreed:to
leave it at the $ 10.00 per quarter as it was written.
Mayor P'hillips discussed the need=f~r a planning Commission
_ and Mr Harris the City Attorney agreed to have the necessary
Ordinance prepared by the next meeting.~lso to have more inform-
atio i re rd to the tak'n of a new Census.
~r~arr~s also reportec~ ~n the proceedure to be taken on the
two lots under discussion for some time.For the 1ot on "llen St.
the City would have to enter into an agreement wit~~~the County for
the sale of the Lo~ to the City and then a quit claim deed f'rom
the former owners might be arranged later and the Lot could then
be sold.by the City.
332 ~
'~Continued" ~
The Gibson Lc~t could be sold after Mr ~ibson had given the
City a auit claim deed. `r
The building permits were reviewedand a double Fee was to b~.T
charged on the one Por T~R~T.Lane as the work was started without
first obtaining a permit. A permit for an outside toilet for ~r
~ Pet erson was held up.
A motion was maele by ~ouncilr,~n L3erly~seeonded by Councilman
Schnyder to grant the following permits~:"C.C.Sharps to build a
house and garage for $ b8oo,~.M.Lane cement work at the Station
~ 35t?~Paul Wilkimson sma11 house for ~ 1200~~?.R.Phillips side-
walk for $ 40~Gny~ Palmer ~loodlight for $ 200~ C.C.Sharps
alterations for Marthas'Cleaners ~ 1003C.C.Sharps for house and
~arage for P.Eetita for $ b~00 and a concrete base for a press
for r~'. W.Strother~ for $ 49.00.
Mr MeCoy hsd a list of the necessary ~quipment needed for
engineering and drafting work and a motion was made by Council-
man Lierly~seconded by Councilman Schnyder,motion trarried to
have the equipment ordered.
No further business appearing and upon motion the rneeting
was adjourned. '
-~t~est s . hj . q~2~~
C ty Clerk ~ Mayor
~rroyo `~rande~CaliPornia
M~y 24~1946
Resolution # 13~
In the matter of recreational developmentYharbor for small ,
craft~and piIInie a.nd camping areas,in San Lu~s ~bispo Bay~
at Avila~Calif.ornia.
Passed and adopted by the following vote on roll calls
~yes: Councilmen Phil7.~ps~~ehnyder~~den~y and ~erly.
Noes : None.
t~bsent: ~ ~i~nncilrn~.n Rountree .