Minutes 1946-05-24 332 ~ frConti~:ued" ~ The Gibson Lot could be sold after Mr ~ibson had given the City a ctui~ elaim deed. ~ The building permits were reviewedand a double fee was to b~~ charged on the one for T,I~Z. Lane as the work was st.a.rted without first obt~.ining a permit. ~ permit for an outside toilet ~'or ~r ~ Pet ~rson was held up. A motion was ma~e by C'ouncilman Lierly~seeonded by Councilma.n Schnyder to grant the following permitst~`C.C.Sharps to build a house and garage for ~ 6800,T.M.Iane cement work at the S~t~tion , ~ 354,Pau1 Wilkimson sma11 house for ~ 1200~~r.R.Phillips "side- ' walk for $ 4-O~Go~t Palmer ~loodlight for $ 200~ C.C.Sharps alterations for Marthas Cleaners $ 1003C.C.aharps for house and garage for P.Letita for ~ 650o and a conerete baSe for a press for AT.W.Strother~ for $ 49.00. Mr MeCoy hsd a list of the necessary equipment needed for en~ineerin~ and drafting work and a motion was made by Council- man Lierly,seconded by Councilman Schr~yder~motion trarried to have the equipment ordered. 1~To further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ' ~tt~st: ~ ~ ~ C ty C1erk ~ Mayor Arroyo `~rande~CaliPornia May 24,194b Resolution # 133 In the matter of recreational developmentrharbor for small , craftland piIIn.ie and camping areas~in San Lu~s Obispo Bay~ at Avila~Calif.ornia. Passed and adopted by the follow3.ng vote on roll calis l~yes: Councilmen Philla~ps~Sehnyder~~Qen~y and ~erly. Noes : NonP. Absentz.Ci~nncilman Rountre~. , ,