Minutes 1946-06-05 ~t,~ Arroyo Grande~California June 5,1946 The City Cauncil r~et in regular session with Mayor H.R. Phillips presidi~g. Upon roll call ~ uncilman Schnyder,P~enny~Lierly and Roun~ree reported present. h~,,;,...~"~, Z~. The.dump on the City prop~rt was dise~d and it wa.s reported that Mr Ben Conrad was to take the matter of insurance up with the County. 1 l~~r ~iing reported he had not eontaeted the people east of the ~ity to find how many would use City water if and when it was put out there. The taking of a new census was discussed and Couneilman ~chnyder made a motion~seconded by Councilman Lierly to have the Clerk write the Bureau of Census to see about hav~ang a census taken also if someone would be near here soon to do the work. ~~lanning Commission was discussed and Ordiriance No.82 was read for the first time. Mayor Phillips was to see Mr Gibson about a quit claim deed on the lot owned by Mr ~ibson and the Clerk would then forward a descripty_on to Mr Ha.rris so he could prepare the papers .Mr Harris also reported that a~3tate C)f'ficial would be in soon to see abou~ ta.king care of the Lot on ~llen Street which was sold to the State. NIr Harris also reported that he had finally got the necess-- ary information needed to fix up the p~pers for ~ir Robisan. ~dr Harris was ~sked to check about parallel parking on Branch Street. Councilman Schnyder and Lierly reported so far they had not been able to ~et someone to circulate the p~titions for sewers in ~~estern ~ddition,though they figuredc~they would ~ get someone in the near future. Mr R.L.Lambet2~ tendered his resignation as night watchman and the committe on Police was ins:~ructed to consult with Police Ch3ef C.A.MeKenzie in regard to hiring another man. The gas eontract fo~ the balance of the year was discussed and Councilman Rountree made a mo~ion,seconded by Councilman Schnyder to give the balance of the contract to the Union Oil Company. Building permits for the fblYowing buildings were granted: Joe Perry 3 house and garage $ 4500~O.C.Froehlich~house and 1 garage $ 6500~Robert E.Walker double ga.rage $ 1000,~~a.urice Mills i implement shed $ 200~~.nd e,E.Loomis to move a house and put on foundation for $ 100~. Bills for the General Fund for $ 121'7.25~the t~ater Fund for 1' $ I111.84,the i~ater Deposit Fta.nd for $ 4.00 and the Speeial Gas ; Tax Street Improvement Fund for $ 222.00 v~~ere audited~ approved , and ordered paid. The cleaning of vacant lots ~ras discussed and it was thot ' best to notify the own~ers and then burn off the lots anc~ charge to the owners if the lots were not cleaned.~ ~~c~ Harry Hart asked about ordering a two and inch gated Y for the Fire Dept. and Councilma.n Lierly made a~motion~seconded by Councilman Rountree to have the parts ordered. ' No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting - was adjourned. ~ ~ - ~ Attest• ~ City C erk ~ Mayor