Minutes 1946-06-19 334 ~ ~ Arroyo Grande~California ~ June 19,194~ ~ The City Council met in regular session with Mayor H.R.Phillips presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Schnyder~Menny~Lierly and Rountree reported present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. The communieations were read and placed on file. ORDIMA,NCE N0.82 . AII~' ORDINA~CE ESTABLS~HIRrG ~1~rD CREATTIt~f~ ~ PL4?~rN2I~7G C(7R~~I aSI~N FOR THE CITY OF' ARROYO GRARTDE. T'he (7rdinance was read by the Clerk and on motion which was seconded and carried~the Ordinanee was passed by the following . vo~e: AYES: Couneilrnen Phillips~Schnyder~I~~enny~Lierly and Rountree. NQES: No~ie. Absent:r?one. The Ordinance was then and there signed by the l~~ayor and attested by the Clerk of' the City and ordered printed and published in the Herald - Re~order. Mrs qlice Illenstine appeared and asked perm~ssion to hold a dance on the evening of July 3~1946 and was granted a pez~tit to do so. I~Ir Janowicz appeared to ask the Coun~il what he could do about the house he had moved on his Lot in ~~Jestern Addition. The eouncil agreed that he would have to meet with the Uniform Building Code the City had adopted and after diseussion a mo~ion was made by Councilman Rountree~seconded by Councilma.n Li~rly to extend the time limit on his permit for 90 days to give h~.z~ more time ta see if he could get material. Mr Shaffer a representative of the Pony Express Bus Line was present to tell the_Council of the Bus Line they wished to Qperate in this part of the State and after a discussion the~following , resolution was :~assed. L ~~Oi:;UTI01'T N4.134. ~i ~.~OLUTI~l~T oF ~ COU'NCIL OF THE CITY OF ~RRQYO GRANDE TO TFiE HC~RTORABLE RAILROAD COh~1fISSI(3N OF THE ST~TE nF ~LIFORr1IA. On motion of Councilman Lierly~seconded by.Couneilman Rountree the above reso~~ution was adopted by the follov~in,~ vote on roll call: AYES: Councilm~n Phillips~Schn~Cder~~Ienny~Lierly and Rountree. NOES : I~one . I~~`~r Ben Conrad was present to look over the petitions for sewers in the Western Addition and he a~reed to come in later and check the n.ames and owners of the properties. The deed from L.A.Brisco to the Ci~y of Arroyo Gramdefbr Rights of ~days and water lines was presented by N~r xarris the City Attorney 3nd Councilman Rountree made a motion,seconded by Councilman Schnyder to accept the deed. r~2r Harris was then instructed to reeord the deed. Mr Ruhl a~peared and said he had had the road surveyed whieh he wished to deed to the City and as soon as he could ~et the papers fixed up he•;:would present them with the deed arld the Council agreed to finish ~raveling the street and would put a water line out there ~ as soon as the pipe could be obtained.The road to be deeded to the C3.ty was to be 50 feet wide. The Lots which the City owns on Crown Hill and on F~a.st Branch Street were discussed and the following resolution vra.s passed. R~OLt7TI0N r14.135 • ?~~OR~ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO' GR~l~TDE COtINTY ~F ~N LUTS ~BISPO~STA~'E OF C~.LI~'ORNIA. PR~'~~T: 1l~ayor H.R.Phillips~cot~~,Cflm~n Schnyder~~~enny~Lierly and Rountree. Absent:None. ~E IT HER~Y RESOLVID~ that the following described real property belongs to the City of Arroyo Grandeand is not required for public use and will not ever be required for public use and produces no income. Sa~d property is des~eribed as follows ~to--wit: ~35 c cor~~u~ ) _ :-~k _ . Parcel~I. A~1 that real property located in the City of Arroyo Grande~ County of San Luis Obispo~State of California~mo~e particu~.rly described as follows; Commencing ~t the Northeasterlycorner of Lot 1~0.53 of E.V`J. ' Steele's Resubdivision of a part of the Ranchos Corral de Piedra, Pismo ~nd ~olsa de Chem~:sal~as surveyed by R.R.Harris~RTOV~mber 1R~5~ ~nd running thence South 3~°3ot Ea.st,313.5 f~et;thence running South 8'7°10' ~"~test 147 feet•thenceFunning ~Torth 112 feet~ thence running l~?orth 32°30~ ~~~1es~ 1~2 feet to the I~Tortherly line of said Lot 53; thence runnin~ Easterly along the Arortherly~~33ne of said Lot 53 a distance of ~.8 feet; more or less~to the point of commencement. Parcel:~Il. ~11 of that real property located in the City of Arroyo Gr~nde~County of San Luis ~bispo~State of Californias more particul.arly described ~s follows: ~ Commencing at a point in the G~Jesterly line of Cro~m 5treet as shown upon the map of Beckett's Crown Hill Additiofi to the Tawn I of Arroyo Grande,which map is on file in the Recorder's Office , of the County of S~n ~,~.~is O~ispo which point is South 61°~':est 50 feet fr~m the most ~anth~~~y corner of the land now owned by Mrs.Clar~ Paulding~and running thence North 29°~est 204 feet; thence South 61~L~est 50 feet; thenee South 29° East 200fee~ to ' the said Northerly line of Crown Street;pt ence along said Northerly line o~` Crown Street North bI°~~st to the point of , beginnir~. B~ IT FURTHE.R R~S~LV~~ that the City of Arroyo Grande will sell ' said property at the Chambers of the Cit~r Cou~cil of the City of ' Arroya Grande in the City Hall~in the Ci~y of Arroyo Grande~County , of ~an Luis Obispo,State of California~at the hour of 8 P.M. on , the 17th day of ~uzy 19~6. Bids for the purch ase of said property I should be made in writing directed to the City Couneil of the City ' of Arroyo Grande~and should be ~.ecompanied by a check in ~.n amount ' equal to 10% of the amo~znt bid. ; ??E IT FURTIiF~ R~OLUED,that the salE be made to the highest ; bidder for cash provided th~t the eoun:cil may aecPpt any oral bid ' made at the time and place hereinabove set forth~provided that the ~1:I first oral bid must be at least 5~ in excess of the highest written i bid submitted. ; I BE IT FURTHER RESOL~1ID~that the ~ity of Arroyo Grande reserves ~ the right to reject any and all ~ids submitted or to withdr~.w s~.id ~ property from sale for any reason whatsaever. BE IT FfJR.TH~ R~QLUID~that the Glerk of the City of Arroyo ; Grande may publish ~Totice of the time and pl.ace of saa.~ sale by ! publication of said R?otice of the sale of said rG~~proper~y in the ' Herald - Reeorder~a newspaper published in the e~ty of Arroyo Grande~ ' County of San Luis Obispo~State of California~at least twice before the date of sale. ' On motiora of Councilman Schnyder,seconded by Cou~cilman ~=~~enny~a~d on the followir~ roll call vate ~-ta-wit: Ayes:I~2ayor Phill~ps~Councilmen Schnyder?~Ienny,Lierly and Rountree. ' ~'oes: None. Absent:None. ' the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted. ' l~,r Harris the City Attorney suggested that the City write to ~tr Barrett the Tax Collector for the County askin~ for an agreement of sale to the City from the County and State on the 30.5 ft Lot on - Allen Street. The City to pay the cos~ of advertising.Coun~ilman ~~~hnyder made a motion~ seconded by Councilman Lierly to have the Clerk write B~r Barrett for an agreement of sale. Mayor Phillips said the fence around the Imhoff tank at the sewer plar~t was in very bad shape and ~2r Ewing w~s instrueted to replace the fence. ~ The dump lased by the Courrty and the City wa.s discu~sed and P4~r Conr~d~City ~in~er said a new trench should be m~~e using the dirt moved out to cover the pit now in use. Ne also said the County was to take some action in regard to the~~~insurance on the dump. There - w~s some discussion about finding another location £or a dump. Two building permits were presented and the one on the hause for Leslie ~Y~rkin vvas raised from 800 to $4~00 and then it was granted also one to Paul ~ilkinson for ~ 10E~ to move a toilet on the Dohi Property. 336 ~ { Continued ) ~ . ~ ~ letter from l~lr Fred Shaeffer asked to remove the trees along ~ the Ha.lcyon Road and the SL.,ate Highway in ~~estern `'ddition and Courr- cilman Schnyder made a mo~ion~seconded by Councilman Rountree ~o grant him pPrmission to do so as far as the City wa.s concerned. ~~r C..~.MeKerzzie said there were a number o~ complaints about sauirrels on the hills above tov,m and I~r xarris the ~ttorney'sug~;ested the Clerk writeft~r Chalmers~Cou~ty ;~griculture Inspector to ask i~ they would be poisoning squirrels here this year. r~r ~IcKenzie also asked about a pedestrian ~~~ssin~ Sign for the High Sc~ool where the children cross the hi~hway and it was ~hought ~ they could use a si~n the City had formerly us~~. The Council requested the Clerk to write Mr ~~~~c~~:of the Divis-= ' ion o~' Highways asking for l~,r Dalliver to meet with the Council at a meetir~g in ~<the near future to diseuss the dra~nage on the Hight~a.y and aiso abou~G clos3ng the end of the old Highway where it intersects with the High~y West of `~own. Parallel par~ing was discussed and Coun~~.lman Rountree was asked to get a Resal.ution fram the Nlerehants Associetion asking for parall=+:: eI parking and a time limit on it. Couneilman Menny asked permission to leave the ~tate for a ahort time and Cour~eilman Roun~re~ made a motion,secoflded by Councilman Schnyder to ~ran~ him permissio~ to do so. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting ovas adjourned. ~tt~st: . " . C ty Cler Mayor , ~