Minutes 1946-09-18 ,
( continued) . ~
Councilman ~ountree said he planned on attending the Convent-- ~
ion oF the League of CaZifornia Cities.::~o be held in San Diego and ~
Councilman made a mption~seconded by Councilman Lierly that he also
be permittec3 to ~eave the State.
Councilman Schnyder made a motion,seconded by Councilman Lierly
that N~.r Harris the City Attorney be authorized to prepare tax exempt
ion certificates both City and County on the lot deeded to the City
by ~.~~r ~;oseph S.Gibson and Blanche E.Gibs~n his wife.
Bills a~a.inst the General Fund for $ I201.16,the ~Tater Fund for
$ 1079.67 and the ~Jater Deposit Fund for $ 8.00 were audited~approv~-
ed and ordered paid.: .
No further business appearing and upon motion the mee~ing was
~ttest;~ . ~ ~ ~
City Clerk R+~ay r
( ~orrection.)
-~fter some discussion about a raise for Mr Men~es the night
watchman~Couneilman Lierly made a motioM,seeonded by Councilman
Rountree to raise l~r ~enges to-~ 20~.00 per month.
~ Arroyo ~rande California
~eptember I~~194f
The City Council met in re~ular session v~2 th.Mayor Phillips
Upon roll call Councilmen Schnyder~B~enny~Lierly and Rountree
reported preaent.
The minutes of the ~revious meeting were read and after add-
ing the correction in regard to the raise in ~~r MeMges ~alary they
were approved.
Communications were ~ead and pl aced on file.
A discussion about readjustment of salaries for the police
was had and Councilman Rountree made a mation~seeonded by Councilman
Schnyder to,refer the matter to the commission on police~and it ~ras
suggested they place their findings before the Council.
Mr Filer appeared and asked about the sewer and some work on
'tlhiteley 9treet where he lzves and the reported that the sewer
survey for there h~d been made and ~~r ~eCoy v,~s instructed to contact
the ~,roperty owners. The Council informed ~~r Filer that the street
was generally up to the property owners and after it was put in
shape the City would keep it up but he samd if it could be graded
and a little gr~vel put on so he would be able to get in and out
he would be sati~fied. The Council agreed that they would try and
do that mueh.
~~ayor 1'hillips reported that the expa~sion joints in the Mason
Str~et bridge were getting so large that the concrete v~ras being
chirged off and Street Supt. Ewing was in~tructed to have them
filled. .
The deed from l~~r Ruhl to the City for the continuation of :Alpin~ ~
Street was presented and Councilman Schnyder made a motion~seconded
by Councilman Lierly to refer the deed to the City Attorney before
acceptin~ it.
It was alsp s~g;gested that RRr Harris be asked to prepare some
forms to be si~ned by property owners in the ~~estern Addition for
the sewer laterals.
Councilman ~chnyder made a motion~seconded by ~~uncilman Lierly
th~t the Clerk be allowedcthe necessary help for typing in the office.
There ~ras some discussion on pumps~pipe and wa~er and Mr Ewing
S~as instructed to get pipe up to $1000.00 valuation as soon and asu
often as it could be obtained and also to have the necessary pumps
and work on the wells done this winter.
'ihe subject of closing the dance at 12 midnight was brou~ht up
and the Council asked P?Ir MeKenzie to notiPy the operators of the
dance that it was the Counci3s wish that they close at midni~ht.It
was also sug~ested to have ths City Attorney make an amendmen~ to the
dance Ordinance settin~; the time for ~losing at 12 m~,dni~ht.
The street in back of Mr Boschs property was discassed and the
Council were of the opinion that the work would be up to the property
The b~~ilding moved onto the City Park was discussed and the
Council su~gested that the matter be taken before the State Inspectvr
~~hen he eame alflmg. . _
The use of the Catholie Church Lot for a parkin~ lot was discu~sed
but no action taken.
~tlr l~hompsons request for an office and garage for his equipment at
his home in ~destern Addition v~a.s disemssed and the Council granted the
~ills against the ~eneral Fund for ~ 3b5.50 were audited~approved
'and ordered paid.
No further business a~pearing and upon motion the meetin~ ~ras
adjourned. .
attest: ~e. ~~t'.r.P l____~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "
City C.lerk Mayor
~y-royo Grande,California
October 2~1946
The City Council met in regular session with P~~a.yor H.R.Phillips
Upon roll call Cauncilmen Schnyder~Menny~Lierly,and Rountree
reported present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as
Commun~:cationswere read and placed on file.
The Communication 'rom the _~rroyo Graunde City Planning Commissian
w~s discussed ~.nd a motion was made by Councilman Schnyder~seconded
by Councilman Rountree that Mayor Phillips at,point a Committee to work
with the Planning Commission tow~ards an underpass on Traffic f"day near
Valley Road.Motion carried.
P~ayor Phillips appointed Couneilmen Lierly and Schnyder as the
committee to ~vork with the Planning Commission on the underpass.
On the old Pacific Co~.st Ri~ht of ~,ay~a motion was made by Couneil-
man Schnyder,secanded by Councilman Lierly that the City Attorney~~ir
Harris be ~uthorized to get a Liti~ation Report from the ~ecurity Title
on the Ri~ht of t"lay along the ~ones ~ubdivision.
The bids were opened on the resurfacing of Branch St,reet and the
amounts were PRr L.A.~3risco,total ~ 3~95•55 and 3rown ~.nd Doko~total
~ 3548.50. On motion by Councilmar~ Rountree~seconded by Councilman
5chnyder the bid of Rrown a.nd Dokowas accepted ~nd r:~7ayor Phillips
v~ras authorized to si~m the contr~ct ~n behalf of the City of ~rroyo
The desd from ~.W.Ruhl and wife to the City was inspected by the
City Attorney and he agrreed to write a letter to l~rr Ruhl and the
following resolution vras passed.
RE~flLUTION 143.
4 R~SOLUTIOI~T ~='PRC~<<IIT?~ A~?D ~CCEPTIrTG D~'nD TO PROP~~'~' D~~~ ~Y
~~CK~O?`T 'a~.RtT~?L ~T?D ~ES~IE r4.RUHL HI~ T,'~IFE.
~assed and adopted b~ the followiz~ vate on roll call: -
' !?yes:Councilmen ~hillips~Schnyder'~Ienny Lierly and Rountree.
Noess None.
1~he Licenses of ~oe :~g;uedaJr. and ~lilkinsons I~~arket were discussed
and a motion was made '~y Councilman Lierly~seconc?ed by Councilman !
~chnyder to raise Joe;~~guedas License to $10.00 per to include ~I
Service Station and Ga~age and l~iilk~rsons ma.rket to a Gener~.l l~~~rchan- '
dise License at ~ 1,5.00 per 4~tne motion cdrried. '
A m,otion was made by Councilman Lierly~seconc~ed by Councilman
Rountree to raise the Chief of ~'olice's sal~ry ~ 35.00 per month making
it $ 200.00 per month.
~~rin~ rP~a ~at-i on as ~urchasing a~ent vra~ =,_c~cr r~ted on motion
bY ~~~~~ma~-~.~i~~~ree~~~~~~id~c~ bj~ ~'~it~~~~~in~~i~:~~~`i~~.~~.
~ motion was made b,y,~ounci?man Lierly~seconded by Councilman
Councilm~n Schnyder to appoin~ the Deputy City ~'n.gineer~Ty~r C.W.McCo~
as purchasing agent and raise his salary ~ 25.00 per month,the raise
to bn paid from the water fund.
~ltr Ewing stated th~.t he had ordered 100 water meters some time back
from the Hersey TJif~;~o.
P~~r ~ving asked the Council about using a bulldozer in the creek to
clear a channel and they instructed him to proceed with the work.Also
tp proceed with making the necessary c~hanges on the grate at the Arroyo
Grande Truck Co.
344 ~
( Continued) ~
P:?r Conrad the City ~'m.gineer su~'gested that the field work , nlans ~
and snecifications for sevrers in e~estern ~'~ddition be completed and
Councilman Schnyder made a motion~seconded by Councilman Lierly to
authorize T"_r Conrad to proceec~ wit~i the work.
Bills a~ainst the ~eneral ` und for ~ 1, 289.94 ~the V`Jater Fund for
~ 1~4~12.17~the Income tax Fund for $ 233.10 and the Vlater Deposit
rund for $ 8.00 were audited~a~proved and ordered ~aid.
l~?o further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was
adjourned. • ,
Attest:%~ ~h~ ^
City Clerk ~?ayor
"~rroyo Grande~California
C`etober 16 ~ 1946
The City Council met in re~ular session v+ri th i~ayor H.R.Phillips
Ubon roll ca_11 Councilmen Schnyder ~P~~enny and Lierly reported
present. Absent Councilman Rountree.
The minutes of the prAvious meeting vvere read and approved as
The communi~ations v~ere read ~nd placed on file.
The cor~.munication froM the F'eerless Pump Cor:lpany ~~~ineer was
discussed and t~e Co--mittee for the T'Tater Dept; was to study the
!~atter over anc~ report at the next meetin~.
The communication from the San Luis Obispo ~=ounty ~alth Dept;
~_sk;ng the City to :~do~t the Grcxinance for the control of f~od tnd
drink establishrlents G~,~~ discu~sed a_nc~ l~~r ~-.arris the City ~~torney
v~as to prez~:are the C)rdin~:nce for the nPxt re~zl-~.r meetin~* and he
~~lco su~~~ested the Ci~y ask soMe renresent~tive from the TTealth Dept;
to be r~re~ent -~~t the next r~~etin~.
~ T~C_`LTITI C`TT ~ 144 .
~`~~CITJTIC~RT,~uthorizin~ the sale of City Property to Ruth r~ul-
~ n~ ~ ar3 ~thorizin~ th? ~d`ayor of the City to execute the deed.
~=~s~ed and ~dopted b;r tne ~ollod•>>ing ro_I ca? 1 vote: ~
: V^~: C~uncilmen Phillips ~'~;chnyd.er ~I'enny and LiQrly.
?`T" : ~~Tone .
{'~C~?TT: Cbuncilman ~ountr~e.
?:r P,"c Kenz i e~ Chi ef of ro li c e~ skec~ about v~ho v~,fa_s in char~e of
the blinker li~ht an~ v,~~c told to cantact i~ir Co~ts ~anc~ cee th~t, n~~•:
~-lobes 1~rcre ~ nst~_1,1~~ -nd -also ~ot~.rer the li~°ht.
~Tr ':v:~in<< tre ~:~a_ter ~unt. ~sked ~~b~~at inst~~lin~ a_b~ut 1C!0 fe~t
o~~ ~w~:~ter line ~~or l:{r ~loa.n ?nc~ `vilv_~ ~nd ~,£~^_s told zf they both v~ould
~a~e ~,.~ter it tivould ~e alrisrht to -~_nst~ll the pine.
`~he :chool croc~in~• ~uard v~~as c~iscuGsed r.nd the Council ~~rePd
to r~~,.;,r "'2C. ~C .~er month for the City's s~,~=~re hereafter.
~~rdinnce '~4 , t'~r the cs~~n~-e ~_n t~ Me f~r c~_osin~ the d~nce vv~s
r~ad ~or the first timF. ~ ~
~ ~~~~~,rTl zc~rr f~ ~ 45.
:nL?T'"I^~?~a~_zthorizi_r,~ ~~orltr-~.ct '~F= let to ~rov~~n anc~ Doko for
t'_ne resu~-'nr;_r~° ~f ~,rarch ~treet °"r~r~ t~e '~ast ~idQ o~ '"~ason '~treet
~,~st <~:r_d th=~t ~yor `hi,li~s '~e _~ut'~oriz~d to si~ a_nd execute the
contract. '
-'acsed ~nd ~~.doz~tFd ~y the fo~lovrin~- ~oll call votes
Asres: Council~~en Phi~,i~s, ~~~chnyd.er~,T'~enn,y =_..nd '~ierly.
TT~'~S : ?,Tone .
e n~r 1 : ~l.a.n liY''`~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .
~To ^?;.rthe~ r~.~si.ness ~r,~earin~ n.nd u~on motion ~~e r_~eetin~; ~:~as
~C~~;~UT'T1 _P.d. ~ -
~,~,-~-R,~ ~ ,~~Cj~/' l%i,,` ' . ~
r~ 1 1 1 y!
/~L~/ ?~t~C.~~-~' ~ i~''~
~"i_t~r Ierk ~ r~~;"ayor ~