Minutes 1946-10-16 3 44 ~
( Continued) ~
Pr~r Conrad the City ~n.gineer su~gested that the field work ,nlans , ~
and s~ecifications for sevrers in yVestern :yddition be completed and
Councilman Schnyder made a motion~seconded by Councilman Lierly to
authorize ~"r Conrad to procee~l wit~i the work.
Bills a~-ainst the reneral und for ~ 1,289.94~the WJater Fund for
~ 1~4~2.17~the Income tax Fund for $ 233.10 and the V~ater Deposit
rund for $ 8.00 ~n~ere audited~3;?proved-~:nd ordered paid.
, ATo further business a~pearing and ~}pon motion the meeting was
adjourned. ~ -
City Clerk P?ayor
:"~rroyo Grande, C~,lifornia
October 16~1g46
The City Council met in regul~r session v+rith i:~~yor h.R.Phillips
Upon roll ca_11 Councilmen Schnyc3er ~~~ienny ~nd Lierly reported
bresent. Abser~t Councilr_?~n Rountree.
1 The r~inutes of the previous meeting vJere read and approved as
The communi~:ations v°~~ere read and placed on file.
ihe cor~.rriunic~tion from the Peerless Pump ~om~any ~~ineer ~Tas
discussed and t?~e Co~mittee for the "Iater Dept; w~s to study the
?~~tter over and report at the next rneetin~.
'1'Y:~ communic~tion ~°rom the ~an Ltzis Obis~o ~ounty r~alth Dept;
-_sk;ng the City to ~do~t the C~rdinance ~'or the control of faod ~nd
~~.rink establishr_lents ~~r=j~ discu~sed ~_nd ~~~r Harris the C'itv r~~torney
v~,~~~ to ~repare the C~rdin~nce for the next re~zl-~r meetin~ ~.nd he
~.lso su~,~~ested the City as~c soMe renresent~tive from the rTealth Dept;
to ?~e nresent =?.t the nex_t r~E-etin~. .
?~~C~LI]TIC`TT ~ 144. _
~`~~CLTJTIC?AT,authori~in~ the ~ale of City ~'roperty to Ruth r~ul-
~y ~n,~~~ar:d ~~?~thorizin~ t~.~ P~'ayor o~" the Cit~t to execute the deed.
:'~sced and ~dopted by the ~'ollotiaing ro_I ca~l vote:
'~`T^~: Councilmen Pr~illips ~'"chnyder ~i:'enn;~ and Liprly.
ES : nTone .
~C ~?`~TT : Counc i lman ~ountr~ e.
":"r T~TcKenzie~~hief of rolice asked .~.bout vrho vv~a.s in ch~r~e of
the blinker li~ht ~nc? v1A.~ told to cant~ct ~"r Co~ts ~anci cee th~.t ne~;
~~lobe~ v~~°re inst~.l.lcd ~.nd ~.ilso ~_o~,~er thc lit
~.'Tr .win~~ t'ne `:~~ter ~lznt. ~skec~ ~~bo?zt installin~ a_bout lOC fe~t
o-" ~.~=~~ter line ~~'or l."r ~loa.n ?nd '~ilv:~ ~nd ti~d~_s told zf they both ~aould
use ~;~~~ter it would ~e alri~rht to ~_nst~ll the pir~e.
The >ch~ol croc~in~ ~~uard v,~s c~iSCUSSed ?.nd. the rouncil ~f~reed
to r~.,~y ""2C.~0 ~-~r r~onth ~'or the Cit,y's s~~-~re h°reafter.
:~rdznnc~e ~4 ,!'or the ch~n~e -i.n. t~ me f~r c~~osin~ t~e dance vu~s
r=~d ~or the first time.
~(~I.??iIQT.' 145.
~'`':":Oi,T''~IC~?~:~~~.thoriz,in~ c~or~tr-~.ct '~e let to ~?ro~~~~n and ~oko ~'or
t'~e res~z~?<~c;.r~• ~f ~ranch ~treet ~"ro~ t~~e '~=~_ct ~id~ o~' '"a~on ~treet
`~~~st ~_r_a that "~~ror jhi=lips be :-~uthoriz-•d to si~n ~_ncl execute the
~~a~sed ~.nd ~=noptFd b~T thP fo~_lo~t~in~ ~oll call votez
A~res: Co~~ncil~en Phillir?s' =~chnyder-yr'?enn,y .-.nd Lierly.
n*~i~ n^ ~ *r `
_ one .
" ~^'~rT:'~"~~~ntr~ e
~ o '_.rtne~ 'ru~iness ~!,~earin~~ ~nd u~?on m~tion ~he r~zeetin~ v,,as
~.d~;ourned. ~ . ~ ~
ATi:,~T:~~ .
ra. t; ~ ; ~ ~~'a;ror