Minutes 1946-10-21 34~~~~
Arroyo Grande~California
` Oetaber 21~1946
Ttie C~~y Council m~t in special session ~rith ~ayor H.R. PTz311ips
~residing. _ _
Upors roll call Cauncilmen Sehnyder~I~Ienny~Lierly and Rountree
reported present.
The purpase of this mee~ing was to let a contract for more
resurfacing om Branch Street.
~.~oLVT~o~ # 146
R~QLUTI~N ~utharizing a cantract be let to Brown and ~oko
for resurfacin~ on ~st~ Brane~i Street and that 2~ayor ~illips{::
be authorized ~o sign~and execute the contra~t.
Passed and adopted by the follo~ving ro31 call vote:
AY~S: Counei]men Fhillips~l~enny~Lierly~Schn~der and Rountree~
1~~E.S t I~one . .
~to further bu~iness appearing and upon motion the meeting was
City C er ~fayar
Arroyo Grande~California
Gctober 22~1946
The City Council met in Sgecial session with ~ayor H,R.Phillips
t`7pon rall call Coun~ilmen Schnyder~~eriny~Lierly~and Ro~xntree
reported present.
The purpose of this meetin~ was to Iet a contraet for surfacing
a portion of Short Street and ba~ance o~' Braneh Street. ,
~ESOLUTION~authoriz3ng a contract b~ Iet to Bro~t and Doko-far
surfacin~ on the north end of Short Street and the b~.lance af
~ranch Street~and that ~ayor Phillipg be autharized to sign and
execute the contra~t.
Passed and adopt~d by the follo~,.~ing roll call votes
~iY~: Couneilmen Fhillips,Schnyder~l~enny~Lierly and Rountree.~
~tOES : l~ose .
l~ci further business appearing and upo~ motion the ~neeting was .
C ty C erk ~iayor
Rrroyo Grande~CaliPornia
October 23,1946
~'he Ci~,y Couneil met in special session with ~ayor F.R.P'hillip~
Upon roll call Counc 31men Schnyder ~~~enny ~ Li erly and Rount?r~ee
reparted present.
The purpose of this meeting vu~.s to let a cantract for the
shoulder on the ~st end of Branch Street or Huasna Raad by the
High School.
R~^LUTION,authorizing a contract be let to Brown and Doka
- for surfacing the shoulder of Huasna Road by the High Schoal and
that Mayor Phillips be authc~rized to sign and e~ecute the cont~~et.
Passed and ~.dopted by the following roll c~ll votes
AYE~S : Counc i lmen Phi llips y Sahnyder ~~Ienr~€,y ~ Li erly and Rountree .
PI~ES: None.
A representa.tive from Johns~ ~~ansville a~peared to discuss
transite,pipe and showed some samples to the C~t~neil. T~ey agreed
to think the matter over.
, No further business a~pearing and upon mQtion the meetin~
was adjourned.
Czty ~Ierk ~~ayor