Minutes 1946-10-23 _ ~45 Arroyo Grande~Cali~ornia , ~etober 21,1946 _ The Ci;~y Council met in special session with ~iayar H.R.Phi2lips ;~residing. _ _ . ~~pan ~oII ca11 Councilmen Sehnyder~I~~enny~Lierly and Rountree reported present. _ . The purpose of this me~~ing was to let a contract fo~ more resurfacing om Branch S~reet. ~:~oLtrTZO~v ~ 14b R~S~LUTIO~' authorizin,~ a contr~et be let to Brown and Doko for resurfacin~ on ~st Branc~i Street and that Mayor ~illips~ be authorized tc~ sign~and execute the contra~t. Passed and adopted by the fo3lo~ving roll call vote: AY~S: Councilmen P~h.illips=Menny~Lierly~Schn~der and Rountree,~ NQ~ s I~one . No further business appearing anc3 upon motion the meeting ~ras ~d~nurned. At~est: ~ City C er A~ayor ,Arroyo Grande~California _ Cctober 22,1946 The City Council met in Special session ~trith ~iayar H.R.Phillips presiding. ~Jpon roll call Couneilmen Sehnyder~~enny~Lierly~and Rountree reported present, The purpose of this me~ting was to let a eontract for surfacing a portion of Short St~eet and balanc~ o~' Branch Street. , ~E~~LUTION # 147 ~E~50LUTIO~~authorizing a contract b~ let to Bro~ anci Doko -far surfacin~ on the narth end of Short Stree~ and the balance of Branch Street~and that I~ayor Phillipe be authorized to sign and execute the contract. Pa~sed and adopt~d by the follo~~.:ing roll call vote: ~YES: Couneilmen Fhi113ps~Sehnyder~Bdenny~Lierly and RountreeR I~T~ES: Nose. ~'o further business appearing and upon motion therameeting was , - adjourned. Attest: C ty C erk R~ayor ~irroyo Grande~California ~ctober 23,1946 The Ci~y Cauncil met in special session with I~ayor F.~.Phillips presidi~g. U~on roll call Councilmen Schnyder~R~ennyyLierly and Rountree reparted present. The purpose of this meeting was to let a contract for tY~e shoulder on the ~.st end of Branch Street or Huasna Raad by the High School. RES~I.~UTI~AT ~ 148 R~^LUTION,authoriz~.ng~ a contract be let to Brown and Doko - for sur~'acing the shoulder of Huasna Road by the High School and that R~ayor Phillips be autherized to sign and e~ecute the cont~~et. Passed and adopted by the following ro3.1 e~ll vote: AY~.,:Councilmen Phillips~Sa~nyder~~~en~y~Lierly and Rountree. I+?OES: None. A representa.tive from Johns~ ~R.~nsville a~peared to discuss transite ripe and showed some samples to the C~?uncil. They agreed to think the matter over. , I~o further business a~gearing and upon motion the meetin~ was adjourned. ~ttest: City ~lerk ~Iayor