Minutes 1946-11-06
~4~ - ~
,4rroyo ~rande~C~~ifornia ~
T'overnb~r h., ~ ~'ab ,
~'ne City Co~xncil rnGt in r~~F~~lnr ~e~si.~n ~.,~ith T=r:.vor T?.~.
rhillins rr~~iclin~.
on ~o,l c~-11 C~jzncilr~en 5c:hn~~c4c~r~Lierly -~-=.nc1 "ountree
~,e~ort~d ~rPc~nt.Coi~ncil~aan ' e~~r~;,r ~rrived lit-tle 1.=~ter.
lhe ,m~inu ~ec of the ~revi ous me~tin~ vrere rp~.d ~;.nd ^r~roved
~ re~r't.
Co~rlunicatic;n~ ~°rere read -~nci ~1~~.ced on :~'i le.
_ r n C;onr:~.d r•e~nrt,ed nn ~'~~t ~:~,r; r~,ein=- c,~nn,iaerAd for =~n
_i r~}or1~ in ~ ~4: :er S= r: Iuis Ol~zs o~r:ci S~nta ~."~=~r~ia.'Te ? lso rP~?orted
tr~t ~~~^~!~i';tee h~c~ reen 3~ointF~~d ~'ror~ the ."-~rro;,ro Grande Pl~r:nin~
Co~:Mi~;sion ~nd sur-;~e~ted ~'::,~~.-t, ~':~,~rc_r ~hillins ?~~oint Car~mit,tee fror_?
t'r:~~ Co~.znc~ 1 to or~ ~:~i_t~ ±ti-~ ~-lannin,~- Cor~r!i~sion.T'~,vor PhillipsQ~
Co>>ncilmen IiPr~,y ana ''ountr~=e ~n th~ Co~ mittEe.
The Coiznc~i.l ~s_,~c~a~,sed the ~urch~cin~ of so~e ~-ohn~ I=~ntiille
tr~n~~ite ~~ire ane~. r~~otian `rr:~.s m~c~e by C."olzncilm~n "ountree?~econ~ec~
b~r C^unci_lm^ n~i~rlv t'~ ~t L°r T~cCoy ~~ce :.n ord~r for 1650 :`'PP't of
+i,?~P ~-i'i'G~'.T' ~;.~f''•ri ~~T.)F?^.~.'QC1 `'.T1C1 ~SkPC~ ?iPT"M!1~SlOII t0 St2.T't r~ t~X1
busir.e-s -'_r~ the rit;;r of Arroyo Gran~P :-~nc~ ~~.s~ ~_cked .°or fra.nchise~
t,;:e matt~r ~~<-;s disc~zcser. ~nc~ ~'itt.T °.t~orney 'r~~~rris ~~~r~ed to lc~ek
1T1~0 t'~F inattBZ' ~f' a f'1`"'T1C~Y'.1~,P -'pr? rpp0"tt ~t t~"iP 7?P.~t I'Ci~;~~t121€'.
~'hc (!-i f tr ^.T1C7 Co7ant~T ~i~r~._~ ~~,~a c~~,1 SCU~ SE~i ~;T1C~ r."r' re11 COI11'='i~l
to =e~-: t,~:e Countv ~~~boi_it ;.1.in~° iri t'r:e trench ~_nd m~.kin~ a neu~
or_e _..n~ s~ti.~`:est~=d ttiie Cit~r Pl<~.nnin~ Car~,r~ission be ~Ls~ed to look for
neva I~c~~t~ on `'or a dr:r~n.
_ l,~PrP s,<<,-~r ~ czsc.~~~ior. y,-„lt t e ~itti=~tion and. TFr
~'~.rr= e
T'~rr i s v•~;_s sked to r:ri n~ dovrn C orne c cni ~c of s~~ rh~ ~°e ^rdinanc e
t the next r~h~ ~.in~.
~r RTr r- ~ t;= R4 ~econd Re?din
0. _aI C J _ • ~
.n ^rc'.in~znce oC t~"e Gity cf :'-rroyo Grande ~.menc~in~ ~r.d.in~nce
TTo.4b ~~r.t~ ed ".3n t'~rd~_nance of the City of ~~.rroyo `~ra_nde a.mendin~
''rc~inance T`o.45,=~nd ertitled "~n Crdinanee af the Cit~,T of Arro,yo
rr~.ndereS-~tzl:~tira~~~ t'r~G o~?eni_r~~-°?concl,.~ctin~~ ~-~nci carr,yin~ on of nublic
c~~nce~,Pl_zrlic dance h~llC ^~nd c1:~ncin~ clubs in the City of Arroyo
rr~nd~ '~~?a.~=sed :-~~ci ~.donted ~n the fi~'teenth ~~ay of I"-~_rch,l°33~"
ea ~nc ~:'~~~ted ~n t'ne 7th da~ of ~ une ~ 1~33 •
The Cr in~~nc e t:~ s read rv the Cit;~ =ttorney ~=~nc~ unon motion
~fi~~~ich ~~N~~ secondPd ~nd c~rried~~. ~donted by the fo11_o~~in~ roll c~ll
~'~'~S: Councilmen Phii.lips ~~chny ~.er j; Ter:ny~ Lierly and ~ountree.
T?o es : ^Tone .
A r:otion v~.s ~!_ac?e ~y Council~~.n z"chnyder~~econded by Councilm~n
'~ol~ntree tc h~ve T,"r C.";'.t;.cCoy Y~ave the n~ce~,s~ry 4~rork c?.one around the
~rrovo Crande 'Truc~,ing Co.
The ~"ire insur~~nce ~~olicy on the houGe ~nd buildin~s 3t the
~..ater ~l~nt ~,~~~~s ai~~c~~~sed ~3.n- Councilm?.n Schnyder mac~e a mo~ion~
..~ec~rldec~ by Councilm~n ~-!enny to increase the ~olic~T to 1~00.
~~ills ~.~ainst the ~enerr:l r'und for 1149.92,the ~htater Fund
ror ~~42.~7 and the "~':'~ter Deposit ~'und for ~ 20.g7 v~ere auc~ited~
•~~~?roveci ~-na or <~red caaid.
y r'o further busin~~s anne~.ring and u~on motion the meeting
~^ras ~d~;ourned. ~
A~test: ^
City C~erk ~ r:Tayor