Minutes 1946-11-20 47`
E~rroyo Grande ~ California
1~?ovember 2~~1g46
The City CounciZ met in regular session with ~~ayor N.R.Phillips
Upon roll call Council.men b~enny,Schnyder and Rountree reported
~resent. .~bsent Councilman Lierly.
The minutes of the previous meeting v.rere read and a~proned as
Communications were:re~d and placed on file.
Mr Fred Shaeffer was present and asked if the ~ity Er~g~neer
e4uld ~ive some information ~.s to grades and Center lines o~' the
stree~,~~~in ~Jestern ddition~alsa if there was any set back restric~ions
on those lots and he also asked if the City wanted a Righ~ of ~day
for sewer and wat~r lines on that portion of Alpine 5treet that was
to be abandoned. It was agreed that he would give a 12 foo~ Right
of ~~ay for sewer and water lines. Councilmar}~Schnyder ma~e a motion~
seconded by Councilman i`ountree that the City Engineer give l~~r
~haeffer the curb ~rac~es. The Council agreed that it would be bes~
to have a 20 foot set backq~stablished~I~3r Shaeffer agreed to furnish
pipe for the water line tn,~he houses he expects to build.
Lewis Fernamburg aske~ curb grades as he vr3.shed t:~ ~ut in side-
walk,curb and gutters.The Council instructed ' ~:~r n~eCoy
to ~et the curb ~rades £or him.
The purchase of new pump anc~ motor was discussed in or~er to
be able to fizrnish ~ore water and after discussion Councilman
Sehnyder made ~ mation~seconded by Councilman Rountree instructing
~b~r A~cCoy t?~e purchasin~ a~ent~to ~et bids on a 60 hor~e ~aower motor~
pump and bavals to produce 500 gallons a minute.
It was reported the Bank wished to sell a table ~nd ~ouncilman
Schnyder mac~e a motion~sECOn~ed by Councilman Menny to have someone
appointed to look at the table and see if it wou~.d be satisfactory.
~~ayor Phillips ~~>pointed C~uncilm~n Nienny and Rountre~.
Councilman A~enny asked about getting some' f3.ling cabinets for
the City Police Judge and I~tr A~eCoy was instructed to cont~et ~,r
~.gueda and see if he mi~ht be able to loca~e some for the City.
NIr McCoy was also instructe~ to order 1b50 feet more of Johns -
~~anville ~ransite piFe.
The Council a~reed to have a resolution drawn up asking the State
Highway to include Grand,Cornwall,Barnett?~lesley and Vernan Streets
and Larchmont Drive in the Stree~s of 2~Rajor ~mportance.
Bills a~~inst the General Fund for $~301.86 were audited~
a~proved and ordered paid.
NIr ~eCoy was instructed to contact Mr poko and Find out whe~ he
would be able to el~an up the sand an the streets so R~r Canrad the
City ~'ngineer could approve the job.
No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was
adjourned. ' ,
Attest: ~ i,~„_,,~i l ` rf , ,
y ~ yor ~
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