Minutes 1947-01-02 350 . ~ ~rroyo Grande~California ~ ~~nuary 2,1947 ~ The City Cauncil met in re~ular se~sia~. with ~?ayor H.R. ~ ~~illips ~?residirig. _ U~on roll. call ~%ouncilmen Schnyder~~~enny?Lierly _~nd Rountree reported present. lhe minutes of the previous meetin~ were read and ap~roved with ~he followin~ correction,I~Fr Harri~ the City ~ttorney reported on the ~i~in~ of a Taxi ~ra.nchise by the City and it was his opinion the City couTd no~G ~ive a Taxi Fr~.nehise but could limit the number.~of taxi cabs operating in the eity by usin~ a Certi- ficate of jveeessity. A bid from the Union Oil Company for furnishing ~as to the City for the year 194~ was submitted and ~f~er some discussiart ~ a motion w~.s made by Councilma~ Rour~tree,seeonded by Couneilman . L~ierly ~o aceept the ~bid of Thirteen and One half cents per GaZ. on regular " 76 grade ~asoiine: C~~iDIr1A1~iCE 1~'0. 8~. AN ~RDII`'~t~CE PROV?D?~iG F~R THE ONTROL QF FOQD AA?D DRINK ~"T~.~LI~H~~~]'T~ IN THE CITY OF ~RROYO GRANDE ~I+TD PROVIDING P~T~LTIES F~R THE VIGI~TION OF ;~tTCH 4RDINAl~TCE. This being the se~ond reading of this ~rdi~ance~after the reading of the heading~and upon motion whieh was regularly seeonded and unanimously earried?the reading of the balance of the ~rd.was waived. The Ordinanc e vuas then adopted by the fol7.ow~- ir~.~ vote on roll c31I: AYES: Couneilmen Phillips~Schnyder~Menny~Lierl.y and Rountree. I~~OES : None . AB~FNT: 1lTOne . R~.5OLt7TI0N' # l~l. . A RFS~LUTI01~ C?F I~~T~T~.'SC?ltiT T4 V:A,C~TE~~RA~?DQN ~ND GL~~E • A PCRTTC?Pa' OF ALPINE STR~'~'!t TR? `~HE GITY' QF ARROYO GRANDE~ COUPTTY QF ~N LUzS ~AI~i'O~a~ATE,"CF CAI,IFORN`3A. Passed and adopted by the fallowing r°ol2 call. vote: AYES: Councilm€~n Phillips~Sehnyder~~2enny~Lierly and Rountree. 1~'O~S : None. ABSENT: None. It was reported that the County was making new trench ~t the City and County Dump on the City Prc~perty and were going to fill in the oId fi.reneh an~. fix a raad. Mr Ewing asked about putting a floor af some kznd in the shed in b~ck of the hall and after discussion about different types of floor,Councilman Schnyder made a motion~seconded by eounci7.ma.n Lierly to have lUir Ewin,~ and Mr ~IcCoy see about building a shed to house the eGuipment and put floar i~ the buildir~ now used. b~r Ewing also asked ~.bout replacing the mai~ se~ver linethat crosses the creek and also ~etting the ec?uipment to elean the roots out of the main sewer line.After some discussion Couneilman i? ountree m3de a moti on ~ s ec or~ded by ~ ounei lm~n Li erly tha~ b'ir ~.ceoy the pu~ci3a,~ing a~ent get prices om pipe and see if ft ~vas available and ~.lso contact ather Cities and see about equip~ent. Tt was su~~ested the City might contact the County and see about ecruipment to put the c~lvert in on Tally~- ~o Road when the County would be putting one ~n on the other end. l~~r Harris ~raught dawn some Ordinances on garbage ~fhich were read and discussed. Bi lls a~ainst~ the General Furid f or $ 1~ 40~ . 92 ~ The ~~.ter ~'tznd for ~ 939•84 the ~ater Deposit ~'und for $ 4.00 and the Inc~me Ta~c Fund f~r $ 2~2.4EE'~.. ~~ftE ~t7DIT~ !~PPRQVID A1~ID ORD~RID PAID. ~o further business appearir~g and upon motion the me~ting ~ we~ ad j ourned. . Attest~: ~~ho. Cit-y C~erk A~aynr