Minutes 1947-01-16 352 ~ :=~rroyo Grande~Caiifornia ~ J~.nuary 16 ,19a7 ~ ~ ~"1" The C~.t~r ~~u~e~.1 ~e~t -~;;n s~?ec~~~. ~~ess~a~ with ~~~ayor Philli~3s . . _ . , , „ ~xesid.~.~g ' . . _ _ , _ . ~~pvn ~ol:~. .ea~ ~.o~z~c~.lm~ ~~~enny,Lierl~ .and I~ountree report- ed present.Absent Councilman Schnyder. This meeting c~.s called for the purpose of discnssin.~ the ordering of inere pipE for the ~.ter Dept. After discussian~ Councilm~.n Li~rly m~cie motion~seconded " by Counezlman ~~enny..~o have the P~zrch~.sing a~-ent order 1000 feet more of 4 inch ~alv~nized pi~e from the Union Hardware Co~nany throu~;h ~~olser and ~.iley. V~.rious other matters were discussed but no ~ction taken. R?o further business appearin~ and u~on motion the meeting was adjourned. . ,P.ttest: , `l' ^~!/L ~ ~ ~ Ci ty CIe k~ ~ ~ ~ jC a or ~ J ~rroyo Grande, California February 5~1g47 The City ~auncil met in regular session with Mayor H.R. Phillips presidira.~. Upon roll call Councilmen ~chnyder?P~Aenny~Lierly amd Rour~tree renorted present. The minutes of the previous mnet3.rig were 'r.e~.d and approved as read. The comrnunications were re~d a.nd placed on file. QRDI~?ARTC E # 8~ . A.~I QRDIN..~I~~CE OF THE CITY C~F A~ROYO GR~NDE RE~ULATING TRAFFIC, UPOltfi A1G'D T~~E PARKI~'TG C'F V~~ICLES C'l~~' T~-rE I-~7LLIC' STRFET.~'s QF THE CITY OF AR~~YQ GR~~.~~~PR~VIDII~TG ~F~':ALTY 1~~.F~C7R AND REPEALSNG CRDIN4?~'CE'S IhT COl~tF'LICT TuEE~E~IITH. Passed and adopted by the follo~ing vote on ro11 ca3.1: AYF~S : Cour~c i lmen Phi llips ~ Schnyder ~b~enny ~ Li erly and Rount~ree . l~TOF~ : l~~one . A~3~ ~TT : I~Q1~TE. / ~~oLUTZOrT # 152. . . B RESOLUTZON ABA~?DC?I~TII~TG :4~'D CL,C?~ING ~ PD~TION ~F ~.LPINE STREET. Pagsed and adopted by the following roll ca~l votes ~Y~`: Councilmen Fhillips~A~enny~Schnyder,Lierly and ~Rountree. NOES:None. ~iBS ENT : None . The.rec~uest of Mrs Pe~gy Oliv~s to conduct danceg in the I.D.E.S.Hallw~s discussed and Councilman Schnyc?er made a motio~~ seconded by Couneilman Rountree to rePer the matter to the Chief oP Police for investigation. ~ The Planning Commissions rECO~n.mendation for the closin~ o~' the ~rti'est end of Braneh Street vwas diseussed and Co~neil.man Roux1- tree made a motion~seconded by Councilman Lierly to close the ~1est end of Branch Stre~t. Counczlman ~:~enny asked far a roll call vote which ~ra.s as follov~s: ~YES:Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~Lierly and Rountree. NOES:Couneilman ~en~y. Abs ent : R~one City Attorney rAr Ha;rris s~~d he would look up the pro- cedure the City would have to follow. The Planning Com~.issions request that the City contact the ~ City oP Pismo Beach and the Sa~h Lui~ Cbispo County about form- ation of a district to take care of the d'isposal of trash and garbage was discussed and Councilman Rountree made a motion~ seconded by Councilman Lierly asking the ~ayor to ~p~oint two membera of the City Council to contact the eity.of Pismo Beach and the County Supervisorsto see what could be done about form- ing a dis'trict to take care of trash and ~arbage. l~~ayor Phillips ~~pointed Councilm~n Schnyder and Lierly. The purchase of ecauipment far cleaning the sewer lines was discussed and Councilman Lierly made a motion~seconded by Couneil- man Rountree instr~eting the purchasin~ a~ent to purchase the equipment.