Minutes 1947-02-19 ~54 ~ . ~ , .~rroyo Grande~California ~ ~ February 19~1947. ~ The City Coumcil met in regular session with I~~ayor H.R. Philiips presiding. Upan roll call Couneilmen Schnyder~Menny~Lierly and Rountree reported present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and appra~red as read. The communications were read an~ }~l:a~e~~ on~.fi~~. R~oz~r~rzoN ~0.153. ~ES~LUTTOgI ~F' INTr..'fi. TTION TQ ORDEft THE CLOSING OF ~ PORTIOI~T QF' BRANCH STREET IN TI~E CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE~COUPTTY O~` SAN LUIS OBISPO ~ STATE C7r^ GALIFORNIt~. , Passed and adopted by the follo~ring vote on roll call: ~YES: Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~Lierly and Rountre~. NOES: Councilman ItRenng. ABS •~'T': I~one . The Recreation Project was diseussed ~tnd the eouncil decided to make further study to see if they would be ~.ble ta contribut~ funds towards it ~nd would let the Committee know within 30 days if they could contibute. Councilman Rountree ~greed to talk with the Planning Commission ~bout the R~creation Project. ~:Rr Taylor the Representative from ~'.e.Loomis and Son was present to talk over the Cities ~omprehensive Liability Policy and it was thought best to inerease the ~alicy.Councilman ~chnyder made a motion,seconded by Councilman Lierly to increase the Policy from 10~00Q and 20~000 to 25~000 and ~0~00~ for the 2 y~rs bal- ance of the policy, It was also decided to include the 1!~qodel A with Fire and Theft Insurance. i~Ir Ryan from Miekey~s Taxi v~~as present to requ~st a reserved sp~ce for his taxi and there was a lo~g discussionlthere was no definite action taken. , The Cov.nty Health Officer's request th~t the City Couneil a:dopt ~ Res~~ution to require chest ~ays for any person employ~- ed in a food and drink establishment or where food is sold or served~was discussed and Couneilman LiPrly ~Zade a motion~approw-- ing the County°s regula,tions requiring chest xra_ys~the motion was seconded by Couneilman bSenny and the motion carried. ~ar Ben Conra.d ~aid he would be ~.ble to get maps for the Planning Cor~mission zn the very ne~.r future. ~ills a~;ainst tn.e General Fund f'or $ 2~ 507.80 were auditec~~ anproved and ordered paid. Harry Hart reported the dies and some of the t~ols were in very poor shape ~.nd he w~s told to have the ~Burchasin~ A~ent order the tools needed. ' ATo further bmsiness ~~apearing and upon motion the meetin~ r.~~ ~ ~ was ad~ourned. f ~i.t'tE'St : ~17/J . Z_c~~._~ . ~ • aI j~'l/ J~ '~i{rb~!{'~,,, City Clerk' ~ 1~Rayor ~