Minutes 1947-03-05 355 ~rroyo Gr~ndeyCalifornia , ~~Garch ~ ~ 1 ~47 The City Council met in re~ula_r ses~ion ~rith 14"ayor H.R. Phillips presidin~. T'non roli c~.ll Councilr~en Scnnyder ~~~enny, Lierly ~nd pauntree reported present. The m~inu~es of the previous Meetin~ c,ere re~d ~nd ~~~roved ~s read. ~ T~~e cor.~munications :~Arere read and placed ;on .Fiie.: Couneilmen Lierly a~d Sehnyder reported on their mee~in~ ~~ith tr,:e Co~ant,~ ~o~rc~ of Supervisors and the Pismo Peaeh Cou~eil. T?Zey reportec~ that it v~~oulc3 be neee~sa-ry to h~ve a resolution pa~sed by the City Council askin~; ~'or the far~atio~ of a s~nitary distriet. Councilman ~chnyc~er made a motion~seconded by C~uncilman T.ienny aGking ~~~r ~iarris to prepare the resolution. T'here ~°t~as more d~_sc~.~ssion ?a~on a~c~nation to the recre~tion project ~nd it ~vas deeided to c~~~it ti.?1 the next meetin~ for a "ir?al decision. 'I'he ma.t~er of the delinc;uent taxes on the I~arnes pbaperty 1•.~~~ discu~sed -~n~ the Council a~reed lea.ve the taxes as they ~raer e . The delir~c~uent taxes or~ the "~'ithro~r~ pro~erty ~~:-ere rev~ e~red :~nd an Motion of Couneilman Schnyder~~econr3ed by Couneilma~.:~our~ tree it va~.s a~r°eed to v~aive the penalties on the street assessments but the pen~.lties on the taxes vaould be collected. . i~~OL•T'i IOI~T N0.1~4. BE IT ~E~OL'J~?THAT T~TL' EA~T SIDF C`F ST;-iC}RT ST?~~~T FROI~'~ ='R"~~'C$ ~ET TO T~?E CR'~K' IR~ T?-IE CITY OF A~~OYO Gi~I~~D~~ CQtTPTTY ~F SAhT LUIS ~~3~5P~ B:~ D~.SI~TTAT~ .AS A~TREET UPOI~'' ~'~~ICH t~rTCLE PA?~KII~TG QT~LY h"~'ILL B~' PER~TITT:ID. Passed and adopted by the follo~ing roll call votes AYF,S : Counc ilmen Phillips ~ Schnyder ~~:enny ~ Li ~rly and Rou~ztree. ~T~ES : l~''one . ALS~TT: ~To~e. It w~s decided to ar~ran~e to put the wa:ter in on .41~ine ~treet and connect vrith a 2 inch line for the present and make the 4 inch connection on Corntivall v~hen the necessary fitting ~.rrives.Tlr I~~eCoy v~tas instrneted to vroceed with havin~ the work done. It was thou~ht, best not to drill a ne~v well at the present time but to put the new pump and ec~ui~ment in the well where the I~.ida is now, The subjeet of selling the s1.ud~e from the sewer plant v~a.s discussed and Councilman Rountree made a motion~seconded by Courr- cilman Lierly to sell it for $ 2.00 per y~rd. ~ills against the Gener~2 Fund for $ 1g88.19~the VJater Fund for $ 2~46.9~ 3nd the ~y~ater Deposit Fund for $ 16.00 vaere audit~d~ approved and ordered p~id. T:r Harris agreed to look up and see if ther~ v~a.s anything ~ against the ~l~rucking ~o; h~:vin.~ storage tanks above the ~r4und for Deisol OiI and Gas. There was further talk ~botxt using the Catholie Chureh Lot ~or a parking lot. I~Ta further business appearing and upon motion the meetin~ was adjourned. ~ - Attest: ~.~a c-~~ . ' City C~.erk Mayor ` 4 j ,