Minutes 1947-04-16 ~58 ?p ~ Ar~°oyo Grande~Ca_lifornia ~ April 16~1~47 The City Council m~t in re~~l~_r session and as there vdas only T~Tayar Phillips and C'ouncilmen ffienny ~resent there tr~.s not a r~.zorom and no ~ressin~ needs for meetin~ :~t a la-G.er d~:~te it vr~s ~~ecided to dispense aaith c~a.llin~ an ad~ourned meet.ing. Attest: ,'a >.r.,,,, ~~~'~~~i%i~`~;~•'L-m~ City .lerk ~:~ayor Arroyo Grande~Califbrnia May ?~194? The City Council met in regular sessio~r with ~ayor H.R. Phillig~ presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Schnyder~Menny and bierly repc~rt~d present.Absent Couneilman Ro~ntree. Th~ minutes of thc prevxo~z~ meetin,g were read and approved as read. The communicatior~s were read and plaeed an P3.le. Mayor Phf llips was authorized to ~i~n the necessary papers on the projects to receive the ~cent gas tax money to be used on the State Highways. The Divi~ion of Forestr~'s request for the rental of the building at the City Park was granted. The rent oF $12.00 per month and the eharge Por water to be $ 2.00 per month as bePor~. RESQ~r~rro~ ~o. i57. . RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ~RROYO GRpiNDE~ COUAiTY 4F S~iN LUIS OBISPO~ STATE OF CAI,IFORNI~. REL~TNE TO THE ~CCEPTAI~CE OF CERT~IN DFEDS FROM THE ~OUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO. Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: ~iYFSz Councilman Phillips~SeYinyder~Menny and Li~rly. NOE~.S : Non~ . ABSENT: Councilman Ro~znt~ree. The Teen t~ge~>~~ reauest for permission to give a danee or two to raise money for their or~anization was granted and also there would be no eharge for a license. The matter of bicycle riding and parkin~ on the €ide~lks was dis~ussed and it was decided to put a r~~tice in'the local paper that aPter l~ay 19, 194a~~,~i~ene violating the 4rdinance would receive a ticket as there had been several accident~ caused by bicyele riders running into people walking on sidewa~ks. • Mr E~?ir~g was instructed ta pu~ the 2 inch water lige up ta the 8i11 Hopkin$ place. Mr l~eCoy was instructed to place an order for 150~ feet more of the transite pipe. 1'~ir~.°fire hazard of vacant lots was discussed ~nd it ~va~ decided to charge by the hour for burning off the lots. It was repotted there was a buyer for the ald grader and the~ were told to get bids and sell it. The people on Alpine Sfixeet asked for a street sign and s~id they would pu~ one up iP the City would a114a~ them.Mr E~ring ~va~ asked to have on~e made and set up out there. Mr Dctncan had repo~ted that he had put new pipe in from the meter on his place and the :~rouble must be from th~ mai~ to the meter and the men were instructed to eheck back of the ~eter and see where the trouble was. Mr Conrad was present to,give information on the sew~ers in VYestern Addition and h8 had the figures on the co~t.of cons~ruetion and it was deeided to have an article put in ther.local paper to invite thes~ interested to attend the next ~ouneil meeting ar~ the clerk was instructed to have copies mad~ of the pr~perty ownera by streets. A garbage distr~ct was discussed a~d it was deeided to eo~sfder the matter further before making a decision. Bills against the Gener~l Fund f or ~ 1396 .96, ~the ~~rter FunB t'or $ 2090.98 and th~ Wa~ter Depasit '~und for $ 4~00 were audite8~ appraved and ordered paid. ~ No further business appearing and upor~ motio~ the ~~eting was adjounned. , . ~ -1~ f ! f j~ ~ r • ll~ t~ l~. ~G r`~~y~~`~ Attestt '.~~,~.t.~ ~ < ~ ! , - 1 - .~.r..J~~.r...r..~ City Clerk - ~a.yor