Minutes 1947-05-21 ,~rro~o Grande~California
May 21,194~ _
The City Couneil met in regu.lar sessian with Mayor H.R.
Phillips presiding.
Upon roll call Councilman ~e~nyder~A~enr~y~Lierly and
Rountree reported present.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved
as read.
The corr~mun~cations wer~ read and placed on Pile.
The Clerk was instructed to call or vvrite ~Irs Carrie
Mosher Hampton of Santa l~aria to see about using the property
in back of the Davis Garage for a parking lot.
A number oP property owners from the Western ~ddition
were present to see about the sewers in Their area and ~r
Ben Conrad explained the Costs and it was decided to have
someone eontact and collect from the property o~riers on Cornwall
: ~.venue and Mayor Phillips asked For a volunteer to solicit and
Nir J. W. Edwards volunteered to take Corn~a.ll Ave; and it vu~as :w
su~gestedX.to have someone take Walnut and Grand ~venues.
The Division of Forestry had asked abou~ cleaning the
buildings at the park and if the City would let them get some
paint and take it out of the rent th~y would p~~t it on.Mayor
p~illips appoin~ed Councilmen Lierly~~~enny and Schn~der to look
over the buildings and see what should be done.
Some of the property owners in Western Addition had~~.sked
for a sign on ~ilpine and Grand l~ve; and said if the City would
f r
u nlsh the sign they would put it up. It was suggested that p~.
Street signs be put up in ~lestern ~ddition and also a sign be put
on the City Hal~.
House numbers were discussed and sever~I methods of havin~
house numbers put up.
A motion was madE by ~ou~cilman Sehnyder~seconded by Coun~il-
man Rountree instructing Mr ~IeCoy to plaee an order for 1500 feet
more of the transite pipe.
l~r Ewing asked abou~ getting someo~ie to cut the weeds with
a mower and he vvas instructed to get som~one.
Councilmen Schntiyder bro~xght mp the subjeet of purchasing a
Ford-Ferguson vv~.th a sweeper attaehment and the matter was
disC~ssed and then referred~~°to the Finance Committee to study the
finances and report at the next meeting.
R~lr E~ving asked about extending the water IinE on ~lptne St;
with some 1~-inch pipe we had on hand and he was told to proeeed
with the work.
~4 ga:rbage ordin~n~e and the dump was discussed and the Clerk
was instructed to write the Planning Commission and inform them
the City Council wis~ed to control the calleeting o~` garbage in
the City.~everal methods were diseussed and it was deeided t;ca
get more information on the subject.
The s~wer line across the creek was discussed and it was
said toa_be in very bad condition.
The subject of selling the property which was purchased
for a site for a City Ha.~l was discussed but no action taken.
A new car for the Chief of Police was discussed~::and afte~
some discussion there was a mo~ion made by ~o~neilman Rountree~
seconded by Councilman Schnyder to refer the matter to the
Police Commission.
Councilman Schnyder made a motion ~seconded by Councilman
Lierly authorizing ~tr Harris to prepare pepers to cancel taxe~ '
on the property recently deeded by the County to the City and I
on the lot deeded to the City by ~Ir Gibson.
It auas reported ~~r :~gueda might be able to buy some used
fire h~rdrants and he was tald to see what he could find,
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City C1erk R~ayor