Minutes 1947-07-02 ~-62 ~ ~rroyo Grande~California ~ ~ ~uly 2T1947. The City Council met in regular sessi.on with ~gayor H.R. Phillips presiding. Upon roll call Couneilmen Schnyder~I~enny~Lierly and Roun~ree - reported present. The minutes of the previous meetirig were read and approved a~ read. Communications were read and ~alaced on file. Councilman Rountree a~~in brought up the subject of a street light on Grand Avenue and Halcyon Road and Y~ayor Phillips reported that several of the Councilmen had looked over the stree~ light situation and they felt there should be lights on Grand Aee;in the ~lestern Addition but Halcyon Road anas outsi~e the City I.,imits. Councilman Rountree made a motion~seconded by Councilman Lierly to have the Clerk cont~ct the ~.G.& E.and ask for 3 or 4 lights to be placed on ~ran8 ~venue and also inauire what had been done in regards to the two lights which were to have been placec~ on the State Highway. R_~OLUTIOIV N~. 158. IN THE MATTER 4F ~TATE FtTND~ ( AD?~ITI01~ TO ~E~ SYST~~I~CITY OF ARROYO GRI~NDE, CA LIFORP?IA ~ TEN INCH S Et~7ER TRt7r?K LI1~TE FROM ~TER1V ADDITION TO CO?~TTT?ECT GIITH ~,R.~iIRT S~'iT~{ OUTFALL) . Passed and adopted by the followin~ roll call vete: AY~'S:Councilmen Phillips~SeT~;nyder~l~~'enn~r~Lierly and Rountree. 1~T0~.S s NOATF. ABS~I~TT: NONE. R~OLUTION N0.159 • IN THE M~,TTER OF ST~,TE FUfiDS ( ADDITION TO S~~ SYSTIIUI~CIT3~ OF ARROYO GR4NDE~CALIFORNI~ ~ SIX INCH S~:"`JEft L4TERAIS I1~I W~TERI~T . 4DDITIDN TO CITY OF ~i~R0Y0 GRANDE.) Passed and adopted by the gollowing rm1l call votes ~IYES: CouncilmanPhillips~Schriyder~Menny~Lierly and 8ountree. IVOES : ~ ne . - : ~ . - . The Clerk was instructed t~ call ~~axris and if ~ie was abl.e to attend the meeting for sewers in ~estern ~ddition the clerk was to notify the property owners of the time. ~!r Dam~ann asked if anythir~: ha~l been done about closing the alley and was told to contact Mr Ha~ris and see if he had anythin,~ to report. A number of ladies were present to see what was to be done about the:e4uncil appointin~ a Re~r~eation Committee. The matter v~as ~3s- cussed and Mr Conr~d sugges~ed that Mr Ben Laveall be asked to meet with the Council and talk over recreation problems.The Clerk was asked to contact Mr Love~ll and see if it would be possible for him to come down and also he might be able to b~~z~?_~ eopy pf the San Luis Ob~spo Recreatio~ Ordina~icefor the Cou~ciT to look over. Earl Seeley asked about getting 1~0 feet oF the old 2~- inen .fire hose which was not u.sable anymore as they wi~shed to use it around doors up at th~ California Poly.Councilma.n Rouatree made a motion~seconded by ~ouneilman Schnyder to let them have the hose for ~ 1.0~ and Councilman Rountree ag~eed to pay the $ 1.00. The repair of shoulders on the Va11ey xoad was d~seussed and Mr MeCoy repo~ted it ~vould cost some~~here around $ 500.00 for e$eh side without the drainage. Councilman Sehnyder made a motior~~ seconded by Council~nan Rountreee to get bids on four faot shoulders for each sidet Mr Earing asked about allowing property owners to lay water line across ~he City property by the wella and it vvas suggested to ask the City Attorney if it would be necess~ry to give an easement for the line. Mr E~v3.ng asked about the vaeations and v+r~s told to arrange b~- tween themselves to takae them. Cur~s and gutters on ~test ~anch S~t,reet was dis.eussed and it was reportec~ the property owners had npt come in after they had been notiFiecl. Wat;er rat~~ ou~side of the C~ty wePe ~.iscussed ~:nd it v~ar.s the ,