Minutes 1947-07-16 363
- ~Lontinuec~} -
general feeling the rates should be higher outs~de-the Ci~y.No
~.efinite aetion was taken.
It was reported that the terms of two of the members of the
~'lanning ~omtnission~~r Brisco and Mr Devereaux ~ould e~ire the
- first of August and the Council should be ~iving thought ta
a~pointing two members.
The condition mf the I.~.E.S. HalZ vvas brought~.~to the atten~Fr
ion of the Councml as Mr Mc~ny had been asked to inspect the
building and condemn it if he found it unsafe. The Council agreed
the matter should be brought to the attention of the City Attorney
and he should advise us an the proeeedure.
Bills against the General Ftznd Por $1082.92~the Water Fund for
~ 1555•73 the Water Deposi~.Fund for $ 4.00 and the in come Tax
Fund for ~ 249.$0 were auditec~~approved and ordered paid.
RTO further business appearing and upon motion the meeting
was adjourned. >
~/J ~
~4tt~st s ~%'Ii;~_ ?~'~tri
City Clerk ' j~ M~ or
~irroyo Grande~California
July 16 ~ 1947'
'I~.e Czty Couneil met in regular session with ~Zayor H.R.Phillips
Upon roll call Councilme~ Schnyder~Menny~Lierly and Rountree
re~orted present.
The minutes of the previous meeting ~*ere re~d and approv~d as
The communications were read and placed on file. -
Street lights for Grand Avenme in b"Jeste~n "ddition were discussed
and the C2erk reported that ~~r Fishar f'rom the P.G.& E. had placeci
an order Por 3 or 4 lights whiehever wer~ wanted and he said the twa
lights for the State Highway had been approved by the Company and the
gtate had not notified them of their approval.
Mr 1~cCog~ reported that bids for 4 foot~ shoulders on one side of
the Valley Road~2030 feet long of 2 inch plant mi~ with tack and sea~
coat were as follows: Mr E3risco $ 10~0 and Brawm ~nd Doko for $'~1~.
Councilman I,ierly m~de a motian~seconded by C~uncilman Sehnyder
to accept the bid of Bro~ and Doko for ~ 715.00 .
~fter discussing the new pump and motor for the we1l,Couneilman
Schnyder made a motion~seconded by Counci].ma.n to order ano~her switc~i
if necessary so bo~h pumps-:coul~.be used at the same time.
Thursday night July 24,194~ at $ P.M. was set as a time for the
~ meeting with property ov~ners of ~~estern Addition to form ~ Citizen's
Committee for the collection and handling of the money for the laterals
for dewers in the ~Nestern ``'ddition.
W.Nicklas request for~a Palm R~~ding License was denied.
Several members of t,he Grand Jury and Citizens of the City wer~
present to discuss with the Council the passing of an Ordinance
against gambling and slot machines. ~fter quite a discussio~ on the
subject Cauncilma:n Rauntre~ made a mp~ion,seconded by Councilman
Lierly to refer the Ordinance to the City Attorney~Mr Harris and
the Police Cornmissioners as a body.
Couneilman ountree made a motion~seconded by Councilman Lierly
that N'Ir Brisco and ~~r Devereaux be reappointe~ to serve on the Plai~
ning eommission.
l~r Harris a~reed to have an Ordinance for curbs and gutter.spee-
if~cations ready at the next regular meeting.
~ir E~ving vs~s instructed to see that Paul R~Iph had lights to
plaee on the gutter area~:~where he was working. .
Mayor Phillips reported that ~r ~~a.tchan had reauested some gravel
on the street or driveway he had been working by his place and R~na
and Alpine Street both needed graveZ. Mr E~u%ng reported that ?t had
not been possible to get gravel from the County pit for some time.
~ Mr Pau1 Gr~ham requ~sted permissio~ to hold a dance each ~lednes-
day night in the Clevenger Ka.ll and he was told to submit a written
request for a license whic~ ~~"a~reed to do.
Mr Meken~ie said th~t ~~Ir I~~enges wanted to take his vacation and
asked about someone to replace him and the Council instructed him to
hire a man to re~lace him.
4n motion of Cou~ci]man Sc2lr~yder,seconded by Councilman Lierly
the meeting was adjourned to Thursday July 24~1947 at 8 P.~I. for the
purpose of ineeting with Western Addition property owners.~
, , I 1J
Atte st : ' - ' ~ ~ 1 I 1
City Clerk ~ I~ayor