Minutes 1947-07-24
; 364 ~
~rroyo Grande~California ~
July 24~1947
The City Council met in an adjourned regular session with Mayor
H.R.Phillips presiding~
Upon roll call Councilman Sehnyder~~~enny and Lierly reported
present. Councilman Rountree arrived a little later.
A motion was made by Councilman Menny and seconded by Councilman
S~hnyder to issue a lieense for a d~nee each ti'Uednesday evemm~g to
ltir Paul L.Graham.
Councilman Lierly made a motion~seconded by Councilman Sehnyder
authorizing Mr MeCoy to have the shoulders on the other side of the
Valley Road resurfaced.
The City t~ttarney Mr Harris and Mr Conrad explained to the
Western Addition property owners about sewer problems and the form-
ation of a Citizens Committe~ for the eolleetion of the money.
~~a~ror Phillips turned the meeting over to Claude Deveraaux and
he appointed a cor.~mittee of three consisting of ~.W.Edwards~vohn
W.Bayer and William Brazil to collect the money.
A motion was made hy Councilman ~ch~yder~seconded by Cauncilman
Lierly instructing Btlrr ~Iarris te execute a contract with 1~Ir Conrad
for t,he engineering work on the ~sewer system~and ~uayor ~hillips was
authorized to si~n the con~ract.
7t was reported the City might be able to purchase a car for
the police and Councilman Schnyder made a motion~seconded by Goun-
cilman Lierly authorizing 1~7r I~eCoy to purehase the car v~rherever and
whenever one was available.
No further business appearing and upor~ motion the meeting was
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Clty C erk Mayor ~
~ ere being no bids in responce the City's advertisement calling
for bids for a new car for the Police Department~