Minutes 1947-09-03 368 _ ~ Arroyo Grande,C~li~ornia September 3~1947 ~ The City Council met in re~ular session woth ~Iayor x.R. Phillips pres~ding;~~ Uporz ro ll ca12 Coune ilmen ~chnyder ~Menr~y ~ Li erly and Rountree reported present. The minute~ of the previous meeting ~uere res~d and approved ' as read. The communieations were read and pl.~ced on file. Mr Harris reported it would 3~e necessary to pass new res- olutions to replace Resolutions RTos~162 ~nd 161 as there were to be some changes made, ' R~OLUTION No. 163 ARF~4LUTI~1~ TO A1~D THE FO;:LOV~ING STR~TS TO T?~E LIST OF sTREETS OF IUTA.JOR I1~ZPORT~NCE: CORN~lALL AVEI~TtTE FROM ITS INTERSECTIQN V3lITH T~iE HALCYOAT ROAD TO IT~ C4R?~?UNCTIOIV t~ZTH TI3E 101 U.S. HIGHW.~4Y: T~1LLY°HO STREFT FRO~? I3'~ INTERS^CTION VVITH L~ POINT ~TREET T~ T~?E T'~S'TERLY' LIMITS 0~ THE CITY OF :~RR~~(' GRANDE: LE PO 1~'T S TREET FROP~f I TS I n?TERS E''~ TI C?1V ~"~I TH TA LLY H4 S TREET ~ TO ITS INTERSECTION ~~'ITH lt+l~S~hT S~'REF'T: . ~ ~~sorT STRTa:~~,'T FROM ITS IA?TF.~SECTION V1ITH LE POIN`T STREET TO I TS CONJtTI~TCTI41~ WI TH A LLII~T STRE'ET. Pas~ed and adopted by the following roll call votee ~YES;Councilmen PhilTips~Schnyder~Menny~Lierly and Rountree. NOFSs 1Pone. ~BSENT: None. Mr ~~Dell's 'reauest to have his proper~y ineluded in the City Limits was diseussed and Mr Harris the City Attorney agreed to look into the ~atter of adding property to the City and write Mr 0'Dell. The Couneil and City ~ttorney agreed there ~vould be no refund on the dance license ~f Mr Paul Graham. N!'ayor Phillips said the condition of the creek in the eastern part of the City had been callea~~to his ~ttention ~.nd ~ after discussion. it was agreed to get a bulldozer ir~ ther~ and ' clean out the creek and a motian by Counci L~an Rountree~seconded by Cou~cilman Lierly authorizing Mr ~ing to eontact the property owners along the creek and have the work done. Councilman Rountree asked about the City truck hauliag rub-~ bish away from in baek of the Theatre as ~he Theatr~ people hafl agreed to donate the use of the Theatre for the Harvest Festival programs.Councilman ~chnyder made a motion~ seconded by Council- man Lierly authorizing the use of the City truck to haul the trash away. It was re~orted the curbs and gutters on West Branch Streeet would be in and CouncilmanLierly made a Motion,seconded by Council- man Rountree authorizing R~r Conrad to have a portion of the stxeet resurfaced,the amount to be under $1000. It was repaarted several people had asked about havin~ a seat on the sidewal~ at the Bus Stop and l~r Oscar Eldridge had said he would see the Rus Ageney if the Council wauld allow a seat to be placed there. I~.r Harris agreed to call the Greyhound _~4gent in regard to the ~atter. RESOLUTION N0.164 , RES~LUTIOB3 OF IATTENTI01~ TO ORDER THE CLOSING OF A PORTI~IQ OF WHITE~., S LT ~RTD TALLY ° Ht? '~TREET . Passed"~y~lowin~ roll call vote: AYFS: ~ounmilmen Phillips~Sehnyder,Menny,Lierly and Rountree. NO~: None. ~BSEnTT: RTOne. Mr Ewimg was instructed to put up the signs and posts for the closing of the P7est end of Branch Stret. Mr ~IcKenzie reported he had been able to get h~r s Claude l~ontgomery to take the School Cr~ssing Guard job if it was agree- able with the School Trustees and the City Council and he asked how it should be handled and after some discussion the Clerk was instructed to wr~te Mr Burrell the Supt.of Schools,that the City would continue to Send their contribution to the school and the amount to be $ 25 ~ t~8 per month , 369 ( Continued) I, Mr Ewing also`said Mr poko had asked about using black pipe to run the wa~er to his property and he was to be told he would have to _ make it galvanized to the meter. " It was reported the transite nipe was to be shipped'at once anc~. l~~r ~IcCoy was t~? order the ~ate valves necessary to lay the pipe. `I'he hiring of a City Auditor vvas brou~ht up arid it was su~;~ested it might be ~ossible to get l~r Deal for the position. ' ?~ills again~t the General Fund for $ 25q4.12 ~ thA V~ater Fu.nd foz° $ 452b.08 and the ~ater Deposit Fun^ for $ 4.00 were audited~approved ' and ordered aid. _ P No further busi~ess appearing and upon motion the meetin~ was adjourned. , • ~ .~~.~h.~~~.~~ f' ~ ~,ttest • 44~ City Clerk Mayor~ Arroyo Grande~California m r 1 1 4 Se te be p 7~ 9 7 The Cit~T Council met in re~ular session with Mayor H.R.Phillips ' presiding. _ Upon roll call Councilrnen `'chnyder~te~enny~Lierly and Rountree reported ~,resent. The minutes of the previous meeting vrere read and approved as read. ~ihe co~ununications were read and placed on file. RE~C~LUTIORT 165 Be it resolved~ that the le~ally aczthorized N~~lth 4fficer of the County of ~~n Lui~ Obispo be~ and he is herewith ax~pointed as the duly authorized and c~ualified Health pfficer of the City of . Arroyo Grande at a salary of one ~ollar 1.00 ) per year. . Passed ~.nd ~.dopted by the ~ollowin~ roll call vote: AY~: Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~I!Aenny~Lierly and Rountree. T?0~: None. ~~?S~TT: T?one. . It was reported the curbs and gutters were in and Mr Conrad re- ~orted it would cost in the nei~hborhood of ~ 149~.C~0 tn pave or resurface the west end of Branch Street from the t~ethodist Church to Paul ~alph's corner. k motion ~^aas made by ~ouncilma_n Rountree~ seconded by Couneilman Lierly authorizing P~r Conrad to secure in°or~~I bids and if within the estimate to proceed with the paving of 1000 Sq.Yds;of the work. The Arroyo rrande Creek was found to be in warse shape than ex- pected and instead of proceedirl~ w.ith the work authorized at the last meeting it ~vas held up for further investigation. ~~~~r Conrad was ~sked to help prepare a letter to the Board of Supervisors asking for assis,~t~nce from the Sher~iff ~s Office for prisa~n help in cleaning out the ereek and also to ask the P.oard of ~upervisors to investigate the setting up of a second zone of the San Luis Obis?~o County l~later District from Zone 1 up the creek to the Riddle '~anch. ~uRr Bell and It~Tr ~t2ichael I~?ewsom ~vere ~resent to ask about getting wa~er e~.st of town and aaid the people were wi~ling to ~ive ?~i~hts of `+`+ays for a w~.ter line to Fet the tivater out that ~vay. They were told at the present time ~ve were un~ble to get pipe for the j~sb as it was neccessary to replace old lines with the ~ipe we had received. Councilman Schnyder m~de ~ mo~ion,s~conded by Councilman Lierly aut',_orizing TvIr ~~cCoy to place ~nother order for 1500 feet more of the 4 inch transite pipe. nRr 1t~eCoy s~id there had b~en an inruiry about~the bump Vrhich h~d been taken out ~t the ~dell and I~~r ~~~cCoy ~~~s told to~ see vrhat the ~ur~p v~aould be ~r~orth. T."r D~IcCoy repo~ted I:ir tlau~-hn had ~sked ~bout ~uttin~ u~ a tent on the Church property in `~~estern A~dition and h~ was to be asked to ~ ~r,rrite letter to the Council explainin~ ~:Trh~t sort of a tent and ' how long it was to be used and f'or ~ust what. ~onald Gu~_lickson asked about having a post placed at his corner to keep the,~~eople from driving across ~ne corner of his property~ ' he v~as told to get a licensed surveyor to set the corner of his property and put in a fence or curbs.