Minutes 1947-09-17 369
( Continued)
l~r Euving also`said Mr poka"had asked about using black pipe to
run the water to his property and he was to be told he would have to
make it galvanized to the meter.
It was reported the transite ~ipe was to be shipped'at onee anc~.
Mr McCoy was t~ ord.er the gate valves necessary to lay the pipe.
The hiring of a City Auditor was brou~ht up and~it was suggested
it might be possible to get l~r Deal for the position. '
~i11s again~t the General Fund for $ 2594.12~the V~ater Fund"for
$ 4526.08 and the ~ater Deposit Fun~? for $ 4.00 were:auditedaapproved
and ordered paid.
No further busiress appearing and upon motion the meetir~
was adjourned. ,
~,ttest : ~~L~.~~ ; ' ~~l f ~ ~ t~~
City Clerk ~ Ma~or<
Arroyo Grande~California
September 17,194'J
The City eouncil met in regular session with Mayor H.R.Phillips
U~on roll call Councilmen `'chnyder~Trienny~Lierly and Rountree
reported ~yresent.
The ?T!inutes of the previous meeting vrere read and approved as
'ihe communications were read and placed on file.
R~c~LUTZa~r ~70. 165.
Be it resolved~ that the le~ally a~zthorized I?~~lth Officer of
the County of San Luis Obispo be~ and he is herewith appointed as
the duly authorized and rualified Health Officer of the City of
. Arroyo Grande at a salary of one Dollar 1.00 ) per year.
Passed and ~.dopted by the ~'ollowing roll call vote:
AY'~S: Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~A~enny~Lierly and Fountree.
TT~~ : None •
~~?~'ri~T7': ~T071@•
. It was reported the curbs and gutters were in and Mr Conrad re-
norted it would cost in the nei~hborhood of ~ z4g3.00 tn pave or
resurface the west end of Branch Street from the f~ethodist Church
to Paul ~lph's corner. ~i motion ~^ras m~.de by Councilman Rountree~
seconded by Councilman Lierly =~uthorizing 14gr Conrad to secure
infor~nal bids and if within the estimate to proceed ~ith the paving
of 1000 Sq.Yds;of the work.
The .Arroyo rrande Creek was found to be in worse shape than e~-
pected and inste~d of proceeding v~r th the work authorized at the
last meeting it ~~ras held up for fur.ther investigation. jd'~r Conrad
vaas asked to help prepare a letter to the Board of Supervisors
asking for ~ssis,~tance from the 5her~'iff:rs Offiee for prisrnn help
in cle~ning out the creek and also to ask tre Board of ~upervisors
to investigate t~e setting up of a second zone of the San Luis
Obispo County t~'dater District from Zone 1 up the creek to the Riddle
r~~r Bell and P~~Ir ~~ichael r~ewsom ~vere present to ask about getting
~aa~er east of town and aaid the people vuere wi? ling to ~ive ?~ights
of '~`+ays for a water line to Fet the ~~vater out that ~vay. They were
told at the present time Gve rraere un~ble to get pipe for the jab ~s
it v~as neccessary to repl~ce old lines with the pipe we had received.
Councilman Schnyder made a mo~ion,seconded by Councilman Lierly
~ut?=orizing Tvlr RrteCoy to place another order for 1500 feet more of
the 4 inch transite pipe.
n"r 1t~eC'oy said there had bnen an inc~uiry ~bout~the ~ump v~ahich h~d
been taken out at the ~aell and ~~r T.~cCoy v~a~.s told to~ see va'~at the
~ump v~aould be ti~aorth.
P."r D~IcCoy repo~ted I~.~r Vau~-hn had ~.sked about nutting ur a tent on
the Church ~roperty in `r'.~estern Ac~dition ~nd h~e~ was to be asked to ,
~r~~ite a letter to tne Council explaining ~.,~hat sort of a tent and
how long it was to be used and for just what.
~onald Gu~_lickson asked about having a post placed at his corner I
to kaep the~~~eople from driving across ~he corner of his proberty~
he v~as told to g~et a licensed surveyor to set the corner of his
property and put in a fence or curbs.
~70 ~
( continm.ed ) _ ~
Courcilman Rountree re~uested permission to put up a tent on ~
Branch Street to house ~gricultural Exhibits and Consessions for
the Harvest ~estival and he w~s asked if the tent ~;T as f1~me ~roof-
ed and h~ sai~ it had been used by sch^ols so he su~~posed it was.
r,~r riarris's letter of ex:-;aln~tion about annexing pro~erty to the
Cit,y ~v~:s discrossed and it ~~ra.s decided to contact Pv ineau and Loomis
and ~et ~ letter from them if they vrished to come into the @ity~
then both ~;~r 0'~ells :?roperty and theirs could be taken in at the
same time if they were favorable.
I~To further business appearing and upon motion the meeting -
was ad~ourned.
~r ~ ~r ~ ~
~ 1'Test ~~~1..cT.~[~/[ • , ^ ~'r^ y~F- ~ Fr'{i`*„~i{~,~.~..--,'
City Clerk PFayor ~ ~ ~
~rroyo Grande~Ca.Iifornia
~ October l,1g47 ~ ~ _ ~
The City Council met 'n re~~~lar session with t"ay~r H.R.
Phillips presiding.
t?pon roll eall Councilmen Schnyder~r.~enny,Lierly ~nd ~tountree
reiorted present.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and a?-~proved
as read.
The cor_imunications were read and rlaced on file.
Councilman Lierl,y made ~ motion~seconded by Councilman
Schnyder to ~uthorize the City en~;ineer to proceed with another
1CG0 sc~.yds. of resurfacin.g ~n west Rranch Street.
~'he sale of the pump G:=~!~ ch vaas taken out ~1~~as ~.iscussed and
l~~r T~cCoy vaas to contact someone to make a bid on the pump and ~
if found favorable,l~.Fr Harris ~~~as ta pre~ are a notice of intention
to sell perso~al property for the amount of ~ 80C or more.
Councilman Rountree asked ~erMission to leave the State and
Counc~lman Schnyder made a mation~secon_~ed by Councilman Lierly ~
to ~rant his request.
ihe sewer system in L"~estern Addition wa.s discussed °and Pti~r.
T-?arris ~greed to call those property owners living ~way from
here and tne Clerk to call ~~r Guion of Pismo ~each.
r:r Harris agreed to try and h~ve a report on the lots to
be sold by the City for the next meeting.
R TG ~T°OFa a~IAY .
Passed and ~dopted by thP following vote on roll call:
AY~: Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~~2enny~Lierly ~nd ~.ountree.
PTOr'~S: None.
Absent: None.
~~oLUTZOrT nTo.167.
R~'~OLt?TIO~,T OF ~~T~~ R'~OT'~"?~!`TT A?''~ CI C?~ITTG P~'RT?(~TT OF '."~?IT~'L~'Y
~T~~'--:'I' .'~ND T.~.I~LY-?IO r'I`t~}~T IPT TT?E CITY OF :'~??RQYO GRAI~TDE.
Passed and ~do~ted by the follo~ring roll call vote:
QY~: Council~nan Phillips~Schnyder~lt2enny, Lierly and ~ountree. ,
lTOES : None .
~.PS~jT : T?one .
Councmlman ~.ountree brou~ht up the subject of the Council ,
~sking t?~e St~te Highway to keep the present Route through the '
City. The matter v~as discussed ?nd Councmlman Schnyder made a
motion~seconc~ed by Councilman Lierly to have I~~?r Harris prepare
Resolut~on to be passed by the City Council.
Bills a~ainst the General Fund for ~ 2403.19,t~e t`later FunB
for ~ 4820.77~the ?'~'ater Deposit Fund for ~ 4.00 and the Income
Tax ~mnd £or $ 249.10 v~rere audited ~a~proved and ordered paid.
l`+o further business a pearing and uz~on motion the meeting
was adjourned.
` c, ,
Attest:~~~~~ ~ ~
City Clerk ~ I~~ayor