Minutes 1947-10-01 ~70 y ( continm.ed ) . ~ Cour_cilman Rountree rec~uested permission to put up a tent on - ~.ranch Street to house =~gricult~zral ~hibits and Consessions for the Harvest ~estival and he was asked if the tent ~;r as f1~me proof ed and hs sai~. it had been used b,y sch^ols so he su~`posed it was. r,"r ~.rris's Ietter of ex:-~aln~tion ~.bout annexing property to the City 1Vas discm.ssed and it w~s decided to cont~.ct r4~ineau and Lo~omis and get letter from them if they wished to come into the ~ity~ then both ~,"r Qt~ells ~?roperty and theirs could be taken in at the s~me time if they were f~vorable. ATo further business anpearing and upon motion the meeting ° was adjourned. ~ W ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ T T e s t ~ ~ ~~~a' ~ ~ ~ , City Clerk rl:ayor~ ~ !~rroyo Gr~nde,Ca.lifornia C~ctober 1,1~47 ~ ~ - The City Council met 'n reg~zlar session with ~~~yor H.R. Phillips presiding. t?pon roll eall Councilmen 5chnyder~r.~enny,Lierly and Rountree rerorted present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and a;r.,proved as read. The communications were read and rlaced on file. Councilman Lierl,y ma~e ~ motion~seconded by Councilman Schnyder to authorize the City eng~ineer to proceed with another 1C00 sc~.yds. of resurfacing ~n west Rranch Street. The sale of the pump ~~~.h~ch v~as taken out c~as ~.iscussed and T:"r ~cCoy was to eont~.ct someone to make a bid on the pump and if found favorable,~.Tr Narris Waas to pre~are a notice of intention to sell personal property for the amount of ~ 800 or m~re. Council~an Rountree asked ~ermission to leave the State and CouneTlman Schnyder made a motion~secon~ed by Councilman Lierly • to grant his request. The sewer system in t"~estern Addition wa.s discussed ~~nd ~~`~r Tsarris ~greed to call those property owners living ~wa.y; °rom here and the Clerk to call I~~r Guion of Pismo Beach. It~r Harris agreed to try a.nd have a report on the lots to be sold by tne City for the next meetin~. ^E~OLUTIQN NG~. 166 ~ES^~UTI~N ~'OR C~l~?D~~?`?ATICl~t OF rnuE p~CIFIC CCA~T '3.~.ILt~I~Y R ~GH2~nF~ m~l~iY . Passed and adopted by th~ following vote on roll call: .~Y~: Councilmen Phillips~Schnyder~~~enny~Lierly and ~.ountree. NOr'~ : I~?one . Absent: None. R~CLUTInl`? l~?Q.lb7. ~?cOI~t?TIOl~T OF ~?3:~~`?~C`?'~P."~`TT C?:C?~`I?'TG PORT?(~rT OF '.'.'HITEL.~'Y ~T'_~'~"T 4T~ T~L~LY-IIC STR,~.'~'~'T IPT 'I''TF CITY OF ^"RCYO GRAP?DE. Passed and ~dopted by the follo~~ing roll call vote: ~Y~S: Councilr~en Phillips~Schnyder~~.2enny, Lierly and Rountree. , l'Q~ : None . ~ ? pS TT : P,TOne . Councmlman ?~ountree brou~ht up the subject of the Council ~sking t~e State ~-Iighway to keep the present Route through the City. The matter uvas discussed ~nd Councmlman Sehnyder made a motion~seconded by Councilman Lierly to have r"r Harris prepare a'~esolut~on to be passed by the Gity Couneil. Eills ag~inst the General Fund for ~ 2403.19,the ~`Jater Fun~ ~'or ~ 4820.77,the ':"ater Deposit Fund for ~ 4.00 and the Income Tax ~mnd for $ 249.10 were audited ~a~proved and ordered paid. i~o further business a pearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. , , Attest:~ ~ ~-`i~~- ~ ~ nRay.or City Clerk ~ '